July 19, 2021 Spotlight: USAF Reserve associate unit integrated with Combined Space Operations Center Even though many may not know it, military coalition forces and civilians alike across the world rely on the U.S. Air Force Reservists who work alongside Space Force Guardians at the Combined Space Operations Center at Vandenberg Space Force Base, California.
June 10, 2021 CAFR visits 310th Space Wing Lt. Gen. Richard Scobee, the chief of the Air Force Reserve, speaks with 310th Space Wing Airmen during a townhall event at Schriever Air Force Base, Colorado, June 6, 2021. Scobee spent the day meeting with small groups of Airmen to hear about their concerns, listen to insights and share his
Aug. 25, 2020 Second-generation Sikh officer joins Air Force Reserve Naureen’s father became the first Sikh officer in the U.S. Military with a turban and a beard. After graduating from college, she decided to pursue public service as her father did.
Aug. 6, 2020 USAF Reserve advisers to USSF & USSPACECOM leaders visit 310th Space Wing Top Air Force Reserve advisors to the U.S. Space Force and U.S. Space Command visited the 310th Space Wing during its Unit Training Assembly and shared information regarding the Space Force and what it means for the wing.
Aug. 5, 2020 310th Space Wing gets new commander Reserve Citizen Airmen at the 310th Space Wing welcomed their new commander during a change of command ceremony, July 31.
June 5, 2020 First enlisted reservist graduates from new Weapons School course History was made May 12 as the first enlisted reservist graduated from the 1C6 Space Warfighter Advanced Instructor Course (AIC) at the U.S. Air Force Weapons School on Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.
Jan. 7, 2020 Space wing reservist earns headquarters award for deployment efforts A Reserve Citizen Airmen with the 380th Space Control Squadron earned the Outstanding Air Reserve Component Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Airman of the Year award for 2019.
Oct. 4, 2019 Schriever breast cancer survivor stresses prevention October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual international campaign organized to increase awareness of the disease, educate people about the importance of early screening, and offer support to those affected. Tech. Sgt. Jamie Ruíz, 21st Medical Squadron technician, was diagnosed with
Jan. 14, 2019 310th Operations Group receives new command During a ceremony at the Schriever AFB event center, the 310th Operations Group received new leadership while bidding farewell to Col. Stephen Slade, outgoing commander.