March 1, 2021 Charting history: female pilot reaches 2,000 hours in F-16 Col. Trena “HaK” Savageau is known for breaking barriers and setting high expectations as the first female commander of the 944th Operations Group at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona. On January 13th, she crushed another goal as she flew past her two thousandth flying hour in the F-16C Fighting Falcon
March 6, 2018 3,000 flight hours and 20 years of service Lt. Col. Ryan Savageau, 944th Operations Group deputy commander, landed here Feb. 27, after surpassing 3,000 hour in an F-16 over the span of 20 years of service in the United States Air Force. According to, there are less than 300 F-16 pilots from around the world who have completed