Aug. 5, 2023 First all-Reserve AEW stands up for Patriot Fury in Peru CHICLAYO, Peru – Integrity, service, and excellence. These are the core values that have driven generations of American Airpower. They’re also posted over the entrance to the personnel section just off the flight line at Chiclayo Air Base, Peru.In late June, 2023 a contingency response team, a group
Nov. 17, 2022 US, UK, Australian and Canadian forces operate as a combined force in exercise VIRTUAL FLAG: Coalition “Fights on” loudly echos across the battlespace kicking off exercise VIRTUAL FLAG: Coalition 23-1 at the Distributed Mission Operations Center at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, and distributed sites across four countries, during the first day of an eleven-day exercise.
Sept. 13, 2021 Air Force Reserve demonstrates strategic depth of combat airlift on Wyoming highway during training exercise Air Force Reserve Command kicked off a week-long exercise, Rally in the Rockies 2021, by landing a C-130J Super Hercules aircraft on the highway near Rawlins, Wyoming, Sept. 13. The highway closed early in the morning to ensure the aircrew could safely practice recovering personnel without access
Aug. 5, 2017 Portraits in Courage Airmen honored during concert The National Anthem, followed by an A-10 and F-16 flyover and the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard Drill Team, kicked off the Air Force’s final Heritage to Horizons summer concert at the Air Force Memorial Aug. 4, 2017. The theme for the special event was “Portraits in Courage.”