Aug. 8, 2023 Cyberspace reservists lead the way in improving partnerships and driving innovation during New Mexico Joint Innovative Readiness Training Exercise Cyber Shield A team of Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) cyberspace Airmen, chiefly comprised of members of the 960th Cyberspace Wing, AFRC’s premier cyberspace wing, were joined by Air Force Active Duty, New Mexico Air National Guardsmen (NMANG), Space Force Active-Duty members, and Marine Reservists to execute
July 25, 2023 Opportunity in the Ozarks: 307th MDS takes part in IRT mission There are quite a few standard U.S. training sites for the military, but places like Yellville and Mountain Home, Arkansas, hardly top that list. But it was in these Ozark towns that Capt. Joy Hood, 1st Lt. Mariah Claire Saratan, and Tech. Sgt. Desiree Melcher of the 307th Medical Squadron