May 14, 2024 Back in the BUFF: Innovative training effort brings B-52 veteran back into the cockpit An innovative effort to improve training for B-52 Formal Training Unit students brought a former pilot on his first sortie in 28 years. The Formal Training Unit is led by the 93rd Bomb Squadron, an Air Force Reserve unit. They work in conjunction with active-duty partners in the 11th Bomb Squadron.
Dec. 28, 2022 Training the Human Weapons System: B-52 FTU adopts innovative CRAFT program It cost $9.7 million to train a B-52 Stratofortress pilot, according to a 2019 RAND Corporation study.But until recently, there was no scientific, holistic program at Barksdale Air Force Base designed to ensure that aircrew functioned at maximum cognitive and physical capacity.That changed earlier