Joint and coalition warfighters complete advanced, multi-domain operations integration course Published Aug. 24, 2023 By Deb Henley, 505th Command and Control Wing 705th Training Squadron HURLBURT FIELD, Fla. -- At Hurlburt Field, Florida, 22 warfighters from the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Space Force, and Royal Australian Air Force recently completed the Air Force’s Command and Control Warrior Advanced Course, or C2WAC, which taught them how to integrate both kinetic and non-kinetic capabilities available to the Combined/Joint Force Air Component Commander. C2WAC, taught by the 705th Training Squadron, is an advanced, multi-domain, integration course that trains air component headquarters personnel how to plan and execute air component operations at the operational level to meet Joint Force Commander requirements. The course uses the joint planning process for air and the joint air tasking cycle framework to steep students in the planning, integration, and execution responsibilities of the air component across the competition continuum at the operational level. “In this month-long course…subject matter experts…came together and focused on graduate level operational warfare planning. Meaning, this group of advanced planners built a timely/relevant air battle plan for the Combined/Joint Forces Air Component Commander that included the integration of joint kinetic and non-kinetic capabilities across the spectrum of conflict,” said Capt. Austin Hairfield, C2WAC 23-4 graduate and Air Combat Command/A3JC. Lt. Col. Benjamin Lee, 705th TRS commander, highlighted the uniquely diverse class-makeup stating “The key to C2WAC being the U.S. Air Force’s premier operational planning course is directly related to the high-quality students and top-notch instructors that we have in our classroom. This class had the opportunity to combine experiences from across 10 component headquarters and two ACE [Agile Combat Employment] capable wings to hone their operational planning expertise in very complex multi-domain scenarios at the highest classification level. No other course comes close!” At Hurlburt Field, Florida, 22 warfighters from the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Space Force, and Royal Australian Air Force recently completed the Air Force’s Command and Control Warrior Advanced Course, or C2WAC, which taught them how to integrate both kinetic and non-kinetic capabilities available to the Combined/Joint Force Air Component Commander in August 2023. Photo Details / Download Hi-Res Royal Australian Air Force: Squadron Leader Sean Bedford RAAF, 505th Training Squadron U.S. Air Force: Maj. Thomas Davis, C2WAC 23-4 distinguished graduate, 52nd Fighter Wing Lt. Col. Andrew Bergman, 28th Bomb Wing Capt. Tyler Book, 613th Air Operations Center Master Sgt. Corey Borum, cyber liaison officer, or LNO, U.S. Space Command Headquarters Lt. Col. Andrew Brown, 608th Air Operations Center Lt. Col. Lawrence Bullock, Air Force Special Operations Command Operations Center Taryn Chung, Pacific Air Forces Command Intelligence Operations Maj. Anthony Darr, 603th Air Operations Center Lt. Col. Jason Guest, 505th Combat Training Squadron Capt. Austin, Hairfield, Air Combat Command Headquarters Capt. Sean Hayes, cyber LNO at U.S. Strategic Command Lt. Col. Micah Heard, 608th Air Operations Center Capt. Wesley Jones, 114th Electromagnetic Warfare Squadron Maj. Zachary Jones, 91st Operations Group Maj. Joshua Kerr, 609th Air Support Squadron Lt. Col. Patrick Lamie, 1st Air Force Lt. Col. Thomas Petykowski, 701 Combat Operations Squadron Senior Master Sgt. Matthew Sherant, Air Mobility Command Headquarters Master Sgt. Sarah Starke, 616th Operations Center Capt. DeAngela Sword, 101st Air Communications Squadron U.S. Space Force: Capt. Kelley McCaa, Space Delta 5 Successful completion of C2WAC supports designations as a U.S. Air Force Multi-Domain Warfare Planner and award of the “A-Prefix” Air Force Specialty Code for officers and a Multi-Domain Operations “M-Prefix” award for enlisted.