HARB Team Competes in Miami Corporate Run Published May 24, 2022 By Maj. Steven Lubinski 482nd Civil Engineer Squadron HOMESTEAD AIR RESERVE BASE, Fla. -- A team from the 482nd Fighter Wing competed in the 5K (3.1 mile) Miami Corporate Run on a humid 80-degree evening on April 28 in downtown Miami, Florida. Each year local companies and organizations send as many as 30,000 runners to compete in Florida’s largest running race. The event supports the community by raising money for the United Way. This strategic event was a great opportunity for camaraderie, fitness, fun and recruiting. Thousands of fit and locally employed people socialized and visit other organizations’ tents for a few hours afterwards. Teams compete within industry categories, and the HARB team took 4th place in the government category. Below are the names and results from the HARB team: Maj. Steve Lubinski, 482nd Civil Engineer Squadron - 20:28 2nd Lt. Brandon Chism, 482nd Security Forces Squadron - 22:05 Lt. Col. James Sams, 482nd Mission Support Group - 28:40 Master Sgt. Tremayne Woods, 482nd CES - 31:33 A big thanks to our recruiters: Senior Master Sgt. Rodney Harrell and Staff Sgt. Bryant Guardia, who helped bolster our recruiting efforts. We are excited to put together another great team again next year. If someone you know wants to join the team next spring, please contact Maj. Steve Lubinski at steven.lubinski.1@us.af.mil.