1 00:00:00,920 --> 00:00:02,976 the Syrian will come to order . This 2 00:00:02,976 --> 00:00:05,490 hearing is virtual and as usual , we'll 3 00:00:05,490 --> 00:00:07,323 go over a couple of housekeeping 4 00:00:07,323 --> 00:00:10,600 matters . Someone is to 5 00:00:11,640 --> 00:00:14,100 mute for today's meeting , the chair or 6 00:00:14,100 --> 00:00:16,211 the staff designated by the chair may 7 00:00:16,211 --> 00:00:18,410 mute participants , microphones when 8 00:00:18,410 --> 00:00:20,354 they are not under recognition for 9 00:00:20,354 --> 00:00:22,688 purpose of eliminating background noise . 10 00:00:22,840 --> 00:00:25,140 Members are responsible for muting and 11 00:00:25,140 --> 00:00:27,610 on muting themselves . If I notice you 12 00:00:27,610 --> 00:00:29,960 have not been muted yourself , I will 13 00:00:29,960 --> 00:00:32,127 ask you if you like the staff done you 14 00:00:32,127 --> 00:00:35,230 you if you indicate by nodding for 15 00:00:35,230 --> 00:00:37,397 approval , the staff will a mute . You 16 00:00:37,640 --> 00:00:39,790 Remind all members and witnesses that 17 00:00:39,790 --> 00:00:41,901 the five minute clock still applies . 18 00:00:41,940 --> 00:00:44,500 If there's a technology issue , we will 19 00:00:44,500 --> 00:00:46,722 move to the next member until the issue 20 00:00:46,722 --> 00:00:49,150 is resolved and you will retain the 21 00:00:49,150 --> 00:00:51,590 balance of your time . You will notice 22 00:00:51,590 --> 00:00:53,660 a clock on your screen and that's 23 00:00:53,660 --> 00:00:56,150 showing how much time is remaining At 24 00:00:56,150 --> 00:00:59,270 one minute . The clock Will turn yellow 25 00:00:59,340 --> 00:01:01,900 at 30 seconds remain . I will gently 26 00:01:01,900 --> 00:01:03,844 tap the gavel to remind members of 27 00:01:03,844 --> 00:01:06,860 their time has almost expired and when 28 00:01:06,860 --> 00:01:09,027 your time has expired , the clock will 29 00:01:09,027 --> 00:01:12,510 turn red and I will begin to recognize 30 00:01:12,530 --> 00:01:15,070 the next member in terms of speaking 31 00:01:15,070 --> 00:01:17,126 order , we will follow the order set 32 00:01:17,126 --> 00:01:19,560 forward in the house rules beginning 33 00:01:19,560 --> 00:01:21,671 with the chair and the ranking member 34 00:01:21,671 --> 00:01:23,727 members present at the time when the 35 00:01:23,727 --> 00:01:25,671 hearing is called to order will be 36 00:01:25,671 --> 00:01:27,838 recognized in their order of seniority 37 00:01:27,838 --> 00:01:29,893 and finally , members not present at 38 00:01:29,893 --> 00:01:32,227 the time the hearing is called to order . 39 00:01:32,227 --> 00:01:34,330 Finally , house rules require me to 40 00:01:34,330 --> 00:01:36,890 remind you that we have set up an email 41 00:01:36,890 --> 00:01:38,790 address to which members can send 42 00:01:38,800 --> 00:01:41,110 anything they wish to submit in writing 43 00:01:41,120 --> 00:01:43,470 at any of our hearing mark ups . The 44 00:01:43,470 --> 00:01:45,430 email address has been provided in 45 00:01:45,430 --> 00:01:49,020 advance to your staff . So 46 00:01:49,020 --> 00:01:52,110 members of the subcommittee will fully 47 00:01:52,110 --> 00:01:54,277 come to order now that we took care of 48 00:01:54,277 --> 00:01:56,499 the housekeeping first and foremost , I 49 00:01:56,499 --> 00:01:58,620 wish you all a good new year and hope 50 00:01:58,620 --> 00:02:01,830 that your families are are doing well 51 00:02:01,840 --> 00:02:03,840 and that they are safe from Covid . 52 00:02:05,240 --> 00:02:07,407 What we're going to do this morning is 53 00:02:07,407 --> 00:02:09,629 we're going to receive testimony on the 54 00:02:09,629 --> 00:02:11,796 impact of the continuing resolution in 55 00:02:11,796 --> 00:02:14,073 the Department of Defense and Services . 56 00:02:14,073 --> 00:02:16,073 We're joined by Mike McCarthy Under 57 00:02:16,073 --> 00:02:18,240 Secretary of Defense General David H . 58 00:02:18,240 --> 00:02:20,462 Berger , Commander of the United States 59 00:02:20,462 --> 00:02:22,960 Marine Corps , Admiral Michael gelder 60 00:02:23,210 --> 00:02:25,240 of Chief of Naval Operations of the 61 00:02:25,240 --> 00:02:28,070 United States Navy . General Raymond , 62 00:02:28,080 --> 00:02:31,420 excuse me . General john W . Raymond , 63 00:02:31,430 --> 00:02:33,690 Chief of Space Operations for the 64 00:02:33,690 --> 00:02:36,770 United States Space Force and General 65 00:02:36,780 --> 00:02:39,380 Charles Q . Brown , Chief of Staff for 66 00:02:39,380 --> 00:02:41,602 the United States Air Force and General 67 00:02:41,602 --> 00:02:45,340 joseph M martin . Vice Chief of 68 00:02:45,340 --> 00:02:47,770 Staff for the United States Army . I 69 00:02:47,780 --> 00:02:50,002 want to thank you all for attending and 70 00:02:50,002 --> 00:02:52,690 I would like to mention that Chief Army 71 00:02:52,700 --> 00:02:55,560 Staff General Macondo is not with us 72 00:02:55,560 --> 00:02:57,940 today because he is attending General 73 00:02:57,950 --> 00:03:01,370 or scenarios Interment today . General 74 00:03:01,370 --> 00:03:04,000 Carneiro is a remarkable leader and 75 00:03:04,000 --> 00:03:06,056 General martin . I want to thank you 76 00:03:06,056 --> 00:03:08,056 for appearing on behalf of the army 77 00:03:08,056 --> 00:03:11,890 today . It has been the case far too 78 00:03:11,890 --> 00:03:13,620 often in recent years that the 79 00:03:13,620 --> 00:03:15,580 government once again is operating 80 00:03:15,590 --> 00:03:18,390 under a continuing resolution today's 81 00:03:18,390 --> 00:03:20,770 hearing will explore the impacts of CRS 82 00:03:20,770 --> 00:03:23,140 on our national security , Particularly 83 00:03:23,140 --> 00:03:25,307 the problem that would be created by a 84 00:03:25,307 --> 00:03:29,060 year long cr for fiscal 2022 . 85 00:03:29,540 --> 00:03:31,540 When our subcommittee writes a full 86 00:03:31,540 --> 00:03:35,440 year bill , um , even the the 87 00:03:35,440 --> 00:03:37,890 year over year total remains the same . 88 00:03:37,920 --> 00:03:41,330 We increase and decreased funding for 89 00:03:41,330 --> 00:03:43,640 hundreds of specific activities that 90 00:03:43,640 --> 00:03:45,807 are essential to our national security 91 00:03:46,440 --> 00:03:49,640 under a CR . None of this occurs . We 92 00:03:49,640 --> 00:03:51,862 do not cut spending in areas where it's 93 00:03:51,862 --> 00:03:53,807 no longer needed . Like sunsetting 94 00:03:53,807 --> 00:03:55,850 legacy pop platforms or inefficient 95 00:03:55,850 --> 00:03:58,330 programs that are no longer survivable 96 00:03:58,370 --> 00:04:01,440 in a high end fight , simply put CRS 97 00:04:01,440 --> 00:04:03,710 are bad for our national security . The 98 00:04:03,710 --> 00:04:06,300 increase in efficiency , they waste 99 00:04:06,300 --> 00:04:09,370 taxpayers money . They also signal to 100 00:04:09,370 --> 00:04:11,537 our troops and the millions of workers 101 00:04:11,537 --> 00:04:13,481 in the defense industry that their 102 00:04:13,481 --> 00:04:15,703 needs are just not a priority at a time 103 00:04:15,703 --> 00:04:17,703 when Putin is threatening to invade 104 00:04:17,703 --> 00:04:20,470 Ukraine china continues to be a pacing 105 00:04:20,470 --> 00:04:22,980 threat . We do not have time to waste . 106 00:04:22,990 --> 00:04:25,440 Our national security cannot afford 107 00:04:25,450 --> 00:04:28,970 more CRS Now among the members of this 108 00:04:28,970 --> 00:04:30,914 committee . I want to be perfectly 109 00:04:30,914 --> 00:04:33,330 clear . I know each and every one of 110 00:04:33,330 --> 00:04:36,270 you all wants a new fiscal year 111 00:04:36,280 --> 00:04:40,100 2022 defense bill . But I have to tell 112 00:04:40,100 --> 00:04:42,540 you it is frustrating to read quotes 113 00:04:42,540 --> 00:04:44,707 from one house Republican published in 114 00:04:44,707 --> 00:04:46,484 december and I'm going to quote 115 00:04:46,484 --> 00:04:48,600 directly . Republicans should be in 116 00:04:48,600 --> 00:04:50,700 favor of a CR until biden is out of 117 00:04:50,700 --> 00:04:52,650 office . It would be the proper 118 00:04:52,650 --> 00:04:55,290 republican thing to do and everybody is 119 00:04:55,290 --> 00:04:58,640 saying otherwise is foolish . Well , 120 00:04:58,650 --> 00:05:01,310 that type of thinking . That's what's 121 00:05:01,310 --> 00:05:03,560 foolish and I believe it's dangerous . 122 00:05:03,940 --> 00:05:06,107 I've heard similar comments from other 123 00:05:06,107 --> 00:05:08,400 republicans in recent months . The 124 00:05:08,400 --> 00:05:11,990 least we can do is to get funding bills 125 00:05:11,990 --> 00:05:15,750 done . And I thank chair Dell'Oro for 126 00:05:15,750 --> 00:05:18,083 trying to do just that for months . Now . 127 00:05:18,440 --> 00:05:20,384 I urge my republican colleagues to 128 00:05:20,384 --> 00:05:22,410 continue to come with us to the 129 00:05:22,410 --> 00:05:24,980 negotiating table so we can fund the 130 00:05:24,980 --> 00:05:28,690 entire government . But 131 00:05:28,820 --> 00:05:31,010 because America's national security is 132 00:05:31,010 --> 00:05:33,066 more than just about dollars that we 133 00:05:33,066 --> 00:05:35,288 provide the pentagon , it's part of the 134 00:05:35,288 --> 00:05:37,510 reason why we're having the Syrian . We 135 00:05:37,510 --> 00:05:39,288 also need to make the necessary 136 00:05:39,288 --> 00:05:41,454 investments in diplomacy , development 137 00:05:41,454 --> 00:05:43,800 abroad and most importantly education , 138 00:05:43,810 --> 00:05:45,880 health and America's economy here at 139 00:05:45,880 --> 00:05:48,350 home . They all impact our national 140 00:05:48,350 --> 00:05:51,070 security . So today I look forward from 141 00:05:51,070 --> 00:05:53,126 hearing to our witnesses about how a 142 00:05:53,126 --> 00:05:56,020 full year Cr could affect modernization 143 00:05:56,040 --> 00:05:58,850 slow our ability to retire ineffective 144 00:05:58,850 --> 00:06:02,310 programs and how it would be an 145 00:06:02,310 --> 00:06:04,920 inefficient use of taxpayers dollars by 146 00:06:04,920 --> 00:06:06,960 directing billions of dollars to 147 00:06:06,960 --> 00:06:09,182 purposes that are out of date . Such as 148 00:06:09,182 --> 00:06:11,127 a war in Afghanistan which were no 149 00:06:11,127 --> 00:06:13,540 longer fighting . We have a lot to 150 00:06:13,540 --> 00:06:16,280 cover . And so now I will turn to the 151 00:06:16,280 --> 00:06:18,950 gentleman from California , um the 152 00:06:18,960 --> 00:06:20,849 ranking member Mr calvert for his 153 00:06:20,849 --> 00:06:23,600 opening remarks . Mr calvert . Well , 154 00:06:23,600 --> 00:06:25,656 thank you Madam . Chairman and happy 155 00:06:25,656 --> 00:06:28,590 new Year and I also want to recognize 156 00:06:28,600 --> 00:06:31,710 general or dinero . Not only was he a 157 00:06:31,710 --> 00:06:33,821 great patriot , a good friend of this 158 00:06:33,821 --> 00:06:37,140 committee and we certainly thank him 159 00:06:37,140 --> 00:06:39,084 and his family for his lifetime of 160 00:06:39,084 --> 00:06:41,990 service . Um I want to thank all the 161 00:06:41,990 --> 00:06:44,320 witnesses for being here today . While 162 00:06:44,320 --> 00:06:46,264 I look forward to hearing from the 163 00:06:46,264 --> 00:06:48,042 senior leaders here today , I'm 164 00:06:48,042 --> 00:06:50,042 disappointed there's a need to have 165 00:06:50,042 --> 00:06:51,931 this here . Since I've joined the 166 00:06:51,931 --> 00:06:53,931 subcommittee . I've been very vocal 167 00:06:53,931 --> 00:06:56,098 about the damage done by our inability 168 00:06:56,098 --> 00:06:58,360 to pass defensive Corporation bills on 169 00:06:58,360 --> 00:07:01,680 time when we're able to carry out the 170 00:07:01,680 --> 00:07:03,940 most when we're able to unable to carry 171 00:07:03,940 --> 00:07:06,162 out the most fundamental constitutional 172 00:07:06,162 --> 00:07:08,400 responsibility to create self inflicted 173 00:07:08,400 --> 00:07:10,456 wounds that are difficult to recover 174 00:07:10,456 --> 00:07:12,622 from . Typically as appropriators were 175 00:07:12,622 --> 00:07:15,250 able to negotiate in good faith breach 176 00:07:15,250 --> 00:07:18,030 a bipartisan deal . Unfortunately my 177 00:07:18,030 --> 00:07:20,197 friends on the other side of the aisle 178 00:07:20,197 --> 00:07:22,363 have decided they're more committed to 179 00:07:22,363 --> 00:07:24,363 the progressive wing of their party 180 00:07:24,363 --> 00:07:26,474 than to the responsible governance of 181 00:07:26,474 --> 00:07:28,697 this country . We have offered to start 182 00:07:28,697 --> 00:07:30,808 negotiations as long as we work under 183 00:07:30,808 --> 00:07:32,919 the same terms , negotiations that we 184 00:07:32,919 --> 00:07:35,141 have worked for in the past two years . 185 00:07:35,340 --> 00:07:37,930 There are simply no poison pills and 186 00:07:37,930 --> 00:07:40,420 retain all legacy . Later writers , 187 00:07:40,660 --> 00:07:42,882 we've also made clear that in order for 188 00:07:42,882 --> 00:07:45,000 us to support these bills , domestic 189 00:07:45,000 --> 00:07:47,510 spending must come down and defense 190 00:07:47,510 --> 00:07:49,880 spending must go up . It should be 191 00:07:49,880 --> 00:07:52,180 noted that the has sask and the Senate 192 00:07:52,180 --> 00:07:54,800 appropriations all have agreed to a 193 00:07:54,800 --> 00:07:57,250 higher defense number . This committee 194 00:07:57,260 --> 00:07:59,570 is the long polling . It is 195 00:07:59,570 --> 00:08:01,792 disappointing to watch the majority try 196 00:08:01,792 --> 00:08:03,626 to blame republicans who are the 197 00:08:03,626 --> 00:08:05,514 minority party in both chambers . 198 00:08:05,900 --> 00:08:08,150 Praveen this unfortunate place , 199 00:08:08,640 --> 00:08:10,751 especially when it's their leadership 200 00:08:10,751 --> 00:08:12,862 has failed them . May I remind people 201 00:08:12,862 --> 00:08:14,807 that Democrats were unable to pass 202 00:08:14,807 --> 00:08:16,640 their version of the fiscal 2022 203 00:08:16,640 --> 00:08:18,584 Defense appropriation bills on the 204 00:08:18,584 --> 00:08:20,890 house floor and today under the guise 205 00:08:20,890 --> 00:08:22,834 of caring for our men and women in 206 00:08:22,834 --> 00:08:25,057 uniform , they're attempting to use the 207 00:08:25,057 --> 00:08:27,279 Department of Defense as it means to an 208 00:08:27,279 --> 00:08:29,390 end with the hopes of passing radical 209 00:08:29,390 --> 00:08:31,501 irresponsible policies that will harm 210 00:08:31,501 --> 00:08:33,790 the american people . It's disingenuous 211 00:08:33,790 --> 00:08:36,040 at best and it breaks a long standing 212 00:08:36,040 --> 00:08:38,310 tradition of bipartisan cooperation 213 00:08:38,310 --> 00:08:40,650 that has made this committee especially 214 00:08:40,650 --> 00:08:43,110 this subcommittee specifically so 215 00:08:43,110 --> 00:08:46,000 effective , excessive spending on the 216 00:08:46,000 --> 00:08:48,110 domestic bills is irresponsible and 217 00:08:48,110 --> 00:08:50,166 will dangerously add to our national 218 00:08:50,166 --> 00:08:52,580 debt which former Chairman of the Joint 219 00:08:52,580 --> 00:08:54,980 Chiefs , Admiral Obama called top 220 00:08:54,980 --> 00:08:57,490 threat to our national security . These 221 00:08:57,490 --> 00:08:59,720 increases are also in addition to the 222 00:08:59,720 --> 00:09:01,831 massive spending spree that the biden 223 00:09:01,831 --> 00:09:03,942 administration and this Congress have 224 00:09:03,942 --> 00:09:06,010 been on , which has directly led to 225 00:09:06,010 --> 00:09:08,343 massive inflation . As a matter of fact , 226 00:09:08,343 --> 00:09:10,550 the number came out this morning , 7% 227 00:09:10,550 --> 00:09:12,439 inflation this year , the highest 228 00:09:12,439 --> 00:09:15,870 number In almost 40 years , which is 229 00:09:15,870 --> 00:09:18,190 harming american families and certainly 230 00:09:18,190 --> 00:09:20,190 harming the Department of Defense . 231 00:09:20,240 --> 00:09:22,540 I'll remind everyone that inflation is 232 00:09:22,540 --> 00:09:24,820 drastically harming bot zone buying 233 00:09:24,820 --> 00:09:27,050 power when your account for covid 234 00:09:27,050 --> 00:09:29,050 spending when you account for covid 235 00:09:29,050 --> 00:09:31,106 spending the national security . The 236 00:09:31,106 --> 00:09:32,994 national on our national security 237 00:09:32,994 --> 00:09:34,828 Entitle spend entire spending on 238 00:09:34,828 --> 00:09:37,480 national security is 10 All Federal 239 00:09:37,790 --> 00:09:40,250 Albums 10% . The overwhelming majority 240 00:09:40,250 --> 00:09:42,361 of our spending goes towards domestic 241 00:09:42,361 --> 00:09:45,180 programs . As a ranking member of the 242 00:09:45,180 --> 00:09:47,402 subcommittee . I've remained firm in my 243 00:09:47,402 --> 00:09:49,458 resolve that we will fight to ensure 244 00:09:49,458 --> 00:09:51,513 proper funding for the Department of 245 00:09:51,513 --> 00:09:53,458 Defense . It's encouraging to hear 246 00:09:53,458 --> 00:09:55,291 reports that the majority is now 247 00:09:55,291 --> 00:09:57,513 considering supporting additional funds 248 00:09:57,513 --> 00:09:59,736 Above the president's misguided request 249 00:09:59,736 --> 00:10:03,370 for fiscal year 2022 . It's my hope we 250 00:10:03,370 --> 00:10:07,350 can avoid devastating impacts of a 251 00:10:07,350 --> 00:10:09,160 cr We'll hear about this today 252 00:10:09,640 --> 00:10:11,540 committees this committee storied 253 00:10:11,540 --> 00:10:13,651 reputation of bipartisan common sense 254 00:10:13,651 --> 00:10:15,596 governing , I hope will continue . 255 00:10:16,040 --> 00:10:18,340 Thank you for your service and I look 256 00:10:18,340 --> 00:10:20,562 forward to your testimony and with that 257 00:10:20,562 --> 00:10:23,110 I yield back thank you Mr calvert and I 258 00:10:23,110 --> 00:10:25,277 certainly know that the words that you 259 00:10:25,277 --> 00:10:27,499 said were heartfelt , but I don't think 260 00:10:27,499 --> 00:10:29,554 you meant to imply that any of us on 261 00:10:29,554 --> 00:10:31,666 this committee from the other side of 262 00:10:31,666 --> 00:10:34,080 the aisle are disingenuous . Um I would 263 00:10:34,080 --> 00:10:35,858 now recognize chair to laurel . 264 00:10:38,840 --> 00:10:40,951 Thank you very much , Madam Chair . I 265 00:10:40,951 --> 00:10:42,840 want to thank you and the ranking 266 00:10:42,840 --> 00:10:44,729 member for holding this important 267 00:10:44,729 --> 00:10:46,970 hearing on the impact of continuing 268 00:10:46,970 --> 00:10:50,300 resolutions and what they have . Um uh 269 00:10:50,310 --> 00:10:52,310 the kind of impact they have on the 270 00:10:52,310 --> 00:10:54,532 Department of Defense . I first want to 271 00:10:54,532 --> 00:10:57,370 just say thank you . Uh and uh 272 00:10:57,380 --> 00:11:00,030 Secretary of Defense Austin is not here 273 00:11:00,030 --> 00:11:03,170 this morning , but on december 6th he 274 00:11:03,170 --> 00:11:06,230 issued a statement about the content of 275 00:11:06,230 --> 00:11:08,570 what we're speaking about today and 276 00:11:08,580 --> 00:11:11,560 what the uh 277 00:11:11,940 --> 00:11:15,840 how what he described uh 278 00:11:15,850 --> 00:11:17,850 fiscally unsound way of funding the 279 00:11:17,850 --> 00:11:20,090 Department of Defense and Government as 280 00:11:20,090 --> 00:11:22,790 a whole . So please convey my thanks to 281 00:11:22,790 --> 00:11:25,130 him . I want to say thank you to all of 282 00:11:25,130 --> 00:11:27,380 our witnesses today . It was amazing to 283 00:11:27,380 --> 00:11:30,360 me and reading through the testimony of 284 00:11:30,540 --> 00:11:34,280 of the consistency a message 285 00:11:34,290 --> 00:11:37,550 uh hear about um what in 286 00:11:37,550 --> 00:11:40,870 fact occurs when we 287 00:11:40,870 --> 00:11:44,160 engage in continuing resolutions if I 288 00:11:44,160 --> 00:11:46,216 might and I don't mean to slight the 289 00:11:46,216 --> 00:11:49,610 others . But General Brown uh thank you 290 00:11:49,610 --> 00:11:52,710 for your your your your authorship of 291 00:11:52,710 --> 00:11:55,840 the book , accelerate change or lose 292 00:11:55,850 --> 00:11:58,650 that . We must change so that we do not 293 00:11:58,660 --> 00:12:01,670 um go backward . The time for us has 294 00:12:01,670 --> 00:12:04,700 come , we need to go faster uh and the 295 00:12:04,700 --> 00:12:06,811 and the and the time is now for us to 296 00:12:06,811 --> 00:12:09,940 be able to uh to do that . Uh And I 297 00:12:09,940 --> 00:12:12,200 appreciate the witnesses and their uh 298 00:12:12,210 --> 00:12:14,460 distinguished leaders of the military 299 00:12:14,470 --> 00:12:17,490 coming to explain the consequences of 300 00:12:17,490 --> 00:12:19,760 what are , quite frankly Congress's 301 00:12:19,770 --> 00:12:22,660 failures , Madam Chair 302 00:12:22,670 --> 00:12:26,430 I uh you and I have worked closely for 303 00:12:26,430 --> 00:12:27,986 months to an active defense 304 00:12:27,986 --> 00:12:29,986 appropriations bill for fiscal year 305 00:12:29,986 --> 00:12:33,860 2022 . Um But while um and 306 00:12:33,860 --> 00:12:36,170 I I too would agree with you that the 307 00:12:36,170 --> 00:12:38,003 members of this subcommittee are 308 00:12:38,003 --> 00:12:41,440 committed to um a moving forward 309 00:12:41,450 --> 00:12:44,160 on the defense appropriations bill . 310 00:12:44,640 --> 00:12:46,696 But while the democrats are ready to 311 00:12:46,696 --> 00:12:49,140 negotiate and complete our work , a 312 00:12:49,140 --> 00:12:51,480 number of our republican colleagues um 313 00:12:51,490 --> 00:12:54,240 have that they have not even uh 314 00:12:54,250 --> 00:12:56,083 leadership hasn't even offered a 315 00:12:56,083 --> 00:12:59,100 proposal of their own . And just I have 316 00:12:59,100 --> 00:13:02,400 to say this , I I wasn't going to . But 317 00:13:02,410 --> 00:13:05,270 uh just to clarify the record , the 318 00:13:05,280 --> 00:13:07,710 fact of the matter is in the history of 319 00:13:07,710 --> 00:13:11,280 appropriations uh bills , the 320 00:13:11,280 --> 00:13:14,030 issues on uh whether you call them 321 00:13:14,040 --> 00:13:16,310 policy writers or poison pills or 322 00:13:16,310 --> 00:13:18,421 legacy writers , whatever you want to 323 00:13:18,421 --> 00:13:20,477 call them , that has been debated at 324 00:13:20,477 --> 00:13:22,588 the end of the process that there has 325 00:13:22,588 --> 00:13:24,610 been the willingness on the part of 326 00:13:24,610 --> 00:13:26,499 democrats and republicans to come 327 00:13:26,499 --> 00:13:29,900 together and say , let us talk about 328 00:13:29,910 --> 00:13:31,670 the top line , let us move 329 00:13:31,670 --> 00:13:33,740 programmatically because in order to 330 00:13:33,740 --> 00:13:36,400 achieve a bicameral bipartisan piece of 331 00:13:36,400 --> 00:13:39,260 legislation , those issues will be um 332 00:13:39,270 --> 00:13:42,550 uh will have to be resolved . So the 333 00:13:42,550 --> 00:13:44,930 fact that of who is uh it's not a 334 00:13:44,930 --> 00:13:47,610 question of pointing fingers , but the 335 00:13:47,620 --> 00:13:49,830 democratic proposals are out there to 336 00:13:49,830 --> 00:13:52,460 date . There has not been one single 337 00:13:52,470 --> 00:13:54,390 document that outlines where our 338 00:13:54,390 --> 00:13:56,334 republican colleagues want to go . 339 00:13:56,340 --> 00:13:58,451 President Kennedy once said there are 340 00:13:58,451 --> 00:14:00,562 risks and costs two action , but they 341 00:14:00,562 --> 00:14:02,729 are far less than the long range risks 342 00:14:02,729 --> 00:14:05,600 of comfortable inaction . We need 343 00:14:05,600 --> 00:14:07,656 action on full year spending bills , 344 00:14:07,656 --> 00:14:10,140 funding bills . Now , the longer our 345 00:14:10,140 --> 00:14:12,280 colleagues get comfortable in their 346 00:14:12,290 --> 00:14:14,740 inaction , the greater the long range 347 00:14:14,740 --> 00:14:18,250 risks will be for our nation . And as 348 00:14:18,250 --> 00:14:20,250 you are Madam Chair on particularly 349 00:14:20,250 --> 00:14:22,417 alarmed by the suggestion of some that 350 00:14:22,417 --> 00:14:24,083 they would prefer to fund the 351 00:14:24,083 --> 00:14:26,306 government under a full year continuing 352 00:14:26,306 --> 00:14:28,139 resolution . This would harm our 353 00:14:28,139 --> 00:14:30,472 military stalling modernization efforts , 354 00:14:30,472 --> 00:14:32,417 readiness capacity , recruitment , 355 00:14:32,417 --> 00:14:34,790 operation and maintenance , impacting 356 00:14:34,790 --> 00:14:37,150 pay for our troops and wasting billions 357 00:14:37,150 --> 00:14:39,520 in taxpayer dollars On capabilities . 358 00:14:39,520 --> 00:14:41,950 We no longer need . After 20 years of 359 00:14:41,950 --> 00:14:44,172 war in Afghanistan have ended . We need 360 00:14:44,172 --> 00:14:46,339 to prepare for the security challenges 361 00:14:46,339 --> 00:14:48,470 of the future by modernizing weapons 362 00:14:48,470 --> 00:14:50,359 systems such as strengthening our 363 00:14:50,359 --> 00:14:52,248 hypersonic weapons and artificial 364 00:14:52,248 --> 00:14:54,090 intelligence capabilities . A 365 00:14:54,090 --> 00:14:56,310 continuing resolution was severely 366 00:14:56,310 --> 00:14:58,460 curtailed . The transition to these 367 00:14:58,460 --> 00:15:02,160 modern high quality tools . Readiness 368 00:15:02,170 --> 00:15:04,170 is essential to the strength of our 369 00:15:04,170 --> 00:15:06,820 military . But as the testimony from 370 00:15:06,820 --> 00:15:10,750 our witnesses affirm extended CRS full 371 00:15:10,750 --> 00:15:13,770 year CR would greatly impact our troops , 372 00:15:13,780 --> 00:15:15,836 their quality of life , their health 373 00:15:15,836 --> 00:15:17,930 care Under a continuing resolution , 374 00:15:17,930 --> 00:15:20,190 services would have to significantly 375 00:15:20,190 --> 00:15:22,610 curtail other personnel expenses , 376 00:15:22,610 --> 00:15:24,554 including potentially slashing the 377 00:15:24,554 --> 00:15:26,820 number of new recruits to provide a 378 00:15:26,820 --> 00:15:30,040 statutorily authorized pay raise . Um 379 00:15:30,050 --> 00:15:32,450 the witnesses in their testimony , they 380 00:15:32,450 --> 00:15:34,339 layout as I mentioned earlier , a 381 00:15:34,339 --> 00:15:36,860 consistent message that asserts that 382 00:15:36,860 --> 00:15:39,330 already there are serious consequences 383 00:15:39,340 --> 00:15:43,320 to the four month delay of of of a of a 384 00:15:43,320 --> 00:15:45,190 budget agreement . A full year 385 00:15:45,190 --> 00:15:47,023 continuing resolution would keep 386 00:15:47,023 --> 00:15:48,912 platforms and systems that are no 387 00:15:48,912 --> 00:15:50,801 longer necessary in service While 388 00:15:50,801 --> 00:15:53,023 blocking the start of new projects , it 389 00:15:53,023 --> 00:15:55,079 would reduce the buying power of the 390 00:15:55,079 --> 00:15:57,246 Defense Department locked the pentagon 391 00:15:57,246 --> 00:15:59,468 into last year's spending such as for a 392 00:15:59,468 --> 00:16:01,579 war in Afghanistan , we are no longer 393 00:16:01,579 --> 00:16:03,801 fighting . There are a few dollars more 394 00:16:03,801 --> 00:16:05,968 egregious aways to waste the americans 395 00:16:05,968 --> 00:16:07,968 of people's hard earned tax dials . 396 00:16:07,968 --> 00:16:10,023 Finally , I'm deeply concerned about 397 00:16:10,023 --> 00:16:12,023 the impact of a full year cr on the 398 00:16:12,023 --> 00:16:13,801 millions of jobs in the defense 399 00:16:13,801 --> 00:16:15,801 industry sustains across the United 400 00:16:15,801 --> 00:16:18,330 States . And I ask unanimous consent to 401 00:16:18,340 --> 00:16:20,630 insert into a record into the record a 402 00:16:20,630 --> 00:16:23,380 letter From 11 Defense Trade 403 00:16:23,380 --> 00:16:25,840 Associations which puts the harmful 404 00:16:25,840 --> 00:16:28,990 consequences of a full year cr in stark 405 00:16:29,000 --> 00:16:31,370 terms . And I quote , defense industry 406 00:16:31,370 --> 00:16:34,050 workforces are subject to seemingly 407 00:16:34,060 --> 00:16:36,640 endless stop and start contract cycles , 408 00:16:36,650 --> 00:16:39,060 creating inefficiency and disruption 409 00:16:39,270 --> 00:16:41,492 that ripples through the defense supply 410 00:16:41,492 --> 00:16:43,659 chain with disproportionate effects on 411 00:16:43,659 --> 00:16:45,659 smaller companies . End quote , the 412 00:16:45,659 --> 00:16:47,690 consequences of a four year cr are 413 00:16:47,690 --> 00:16:49,880 simply unthinkable to protect our 414 00:16:49,880 --> 00:16:52,240 national security sustained american 415 00:16:52,240 --> 00:16:55,260 strength , vis a vis china and Russia 416 00:16:55,270 --> 00:16:57,570 and further american leadership around 417 00:16:57,570 --> 00:16:59,510 the world . We need a government 418 00:16:59,560 --> 00:17:02,410 funding agreement , we need it now and 419 00:17:02,410 --> 00:17:04,760 it is time for our republican 420 00:17:04,760 --> 00:17:07,520 colleagues to join us negotiate a 421 00:17:07,520 --> 00:17:11,080 bipartisan bicameral funding agreement . 422 00:17:11,090 --> 00:17:13,201 I thank you madam . Chair for holding 423 00:17:13,201 --> 00:17:15,368 this hearing and I thank our witnesses 424 00:17:15,368 --> 00:17:17,700 once again and I won't deal with the 425 00:17:17,700 --> 00:17:19,700 quote now because I've already gone 426 00:17:19,700 --> 00:17:21,870 over my time , but I'm hopeful that 427 00:17:21,880 --> 00:17:25,790 uh Assistant Defense Secretary 428 00:17:25,790 --> 00:17:28,960 Mark Bortz um we'll speak about um 429 00:17:28,970 --> 00:17:31,580 uh this issue . He has a great quote in 430 00:17:31,580 --> 00:17:35,390 his um in his testimony about 431 00:17:35,400 --> 00:17:39,260 our competition with Russia and china 432 00:17:39,270 --> 00:17:42,530 and what they do um in terms of being 433 00:17:42,530 --> 00:17:45,000 competitive and what we do not do . I 434 00:17:45,000 --> 00:17:46,778 say thank you , thank you to my 435 00:17:46,778 --> 00:17:49,420 colleagues Um uh for being here this 436 00:17:49,420 --> 00:17:51,940 morning and I yield back thank you 437 00:17:51,940 --> 00:17:55,190 chair to Laura Laura , you had you said 438 00:17:55,190 --> 00:17:58,120 11 , right 11 letters to enter for the 439 00:17:58,120 --> 00:18:01,300 record . No one letter that has been 440 00:18:01,300 --> 00:18:04,990 signed by 11 heads of the Trade 441 00:18:04,990 --> 00:18:07,630 Association Aerospace Air Force . I 442 00:18:07,630 --> 00:18:09,630 just wanted to make sure I said the 443 00:18:09,630 --> 00:18:11,463 amount of letters correctly . So 444 00:18:11,463 --> 00:18:13,686 without objection , we will be entering 445 00:18:13,686 --> 00:18:16,019 that letter into the record . Thank you . 446 00:18:16,019 --> 00:18:18,340 Now I turn to um ranking member Granger 447 00:18:18,340 --> 00:18:20,980 from texas for her opening remarks . MS 448 00:18:20,980 --> 00:18:23,990 Granger gonna speak now . Thank you . 449 00:18:23,990 --> 00:18:26,340 Chairman Mccollum um is a longtime 450 00:18:26,340 --> 00:18:28,173 member and a former chair of the 451 00:18:28,173 --> 00:18:30,370 subcommittee . I've been proud of its 452 00:18:30,370 --> 00:18:33,660 history of bipartisanship . The members 453 00:18:33,660 --> 00:18:35,882 of this subcommittee cared deeply about 454 00:18:35,882 --> 00:18:38,170 our national security that have been 455 00:18:38,180 --> 00:18:41,140 able to put partisan politics aside in 456 00:18:41,140 --> 00:18:43,500 order to ensure we provide the funding 457 00:18:43,500 --> 00:18:45,556 needed to protect our great nation . 458 00:18:45,556 --> 00:18:47,870 Unfortunately , the defense 459 00:18:47,870 --> 00:18:50,340 appropriation bill has fallen victim to 460 00:18:50,340 --> 00:18:53,370 partisan politics . I think we would 461 00:18:53,370 --> 00:18:55,314 all agree that no one here wants a 462 00:18:55,314 --> 00:18:57,426 continuing resolution . No one that's 463 00:18:57,426 --> 00:18:59,800 not our goal . However , republicans 464 00:18:59,810 --> 00:19:02,200 will not allow the majority to ram 465 00:19:02,200 --> 00:19:05,380 through irresponsible spending and 466 00:19:05,380 --> 00:19:08,230 harmful policies and other parts of the 467 00:19:08,230 --> 00:19:10,341 government by using the Department of 468 00:19:10,341 --> 00:19:13,720 Defense as a political weapon . My 469 00:19:13,720 --> 00:19:15,887 position should not come as a surprise 470 00:19:15,887 --> 00:19:18,770 to anyone during full committee and 471 00:19:18,770 --> 00:19:20,937 subcommittee markups . I made it clear 472 00:19:20,937 --> 00:19:22,790 that House republicans would not 473 00:19:22,790 --> 00:19:25,670 support any bills unless the majority 474 00:19:26,140 --> 00:19:29,050 removed poison pills reinstated , 475 00:19:29,050 --> 00:19:31,680 longstanding riders and address the 476 00:19:31,680 --> 00:19:33,920 disparity between Defense and non 477 00:19:33,920 --> 00:19:37,330 defense spending those through three 478 00:19:37,340 --> 00:19:40,890 issues have been for the past two years 479 00:19:40,890 --> 00:19:43,050 as a part of this , but instead of 480 00:19:43,050 --> 00:19:45,050 working across the aisle to get our 481 00:19:45,050 --> 00:19:46,750 work done , majority drafted 482 00:19:46,750 --> 00:19:48,930 unrealistic irresponsible 483 00:19:48,930 --> 00:19:52,070 appropriations bills , many of which 484 00:19:52,070 --> 00:19:55,550 can contain the most partisan policies 485 00:19:55,560 --> 00:19:57,850 I've seen since I've been in Congress , 486 00:19:58,340 --> 00:20:01,760 For example , The FY 22 Labor Health 487 00:20:01,760 --> 00:20:04,220 and Human Services Bill Includes a 488 00:20:04,220 --> 00:20:07,990 staggering 36% increase over current 489 00:20:07,990 --> 00:20:10,960 levels . The majority also removed 490 00:20:10,960 --> 00:20:14,200 longstanding bipartisan pro life critic 491 00:20:14,640 --> 00:20:16,862 protections that have been included for 492 00:20:16,862 --> 00:20:19,350 decades . The list goes on and on 493 00:20:20,840 --> 00:20:23,060 as appropriators . We know it takes 494 00:20:23,060 --> 00:20:25,570 bipartisan cooperation to craft 495 00:20:25,570 --> 00:20:27,980 spending bills that will be signed into 496 00:20:27,980 --> 00:20:30,660 law counter to what the majority has 497 00:20:30,660 --> 00:20:32,540 said . Republicans are ready and 498 00:20:32,540 --> 00:20:35,880 willing to negotiate . We simply ask 499 00:20:35,880 --> 00:20:37,936 that the majority agreed to the same 500 00:20:37,936 --> 00:20:40,510 terms that have allowed us to complete 501 00:20:40,510 --> 00:20:43,150 our work quickly in the past . Drop 502 00:20:43,150 --> 00:20:45,690 controversial language and restore 503 00:20:45,700 --> 00:20:49,130 longstanding provision . If majority 504 00:20:49,130 --> 00:20:51,130 would agree to these terms , I will 505 00:20:51,130 --> 00:20:53,260 clear my schedule and I'm happy to 506 00:20:53,260 --> 00:20:55,430 begin negotiations immediately 507 00:20:55,440 --> 00:20:57,740 following this hearing , madam Chair . 508 00:20:57,740 --> 00:20:58,740 I yield back . 509 00:21:02,140 --> 00:21:04,530 Thank you . The bottom line is people 510 00:21:04,530 --> 00:21:06,586 need to get to the table and talk to 511 00:21:06,586 --> 00:21:08,697 each other and uh , that that that is 512 00:21:08,697 --> 00:21:10,752 leadership in both the House and the 513 00:21:10,752 --> 00:21:13,530 Senate . Um , so I'm going to turn to 514 00:21:13,530 --> 00:21:15,930 our witnesses now and I we don't pick 515 00:21:15,930 --> 00:21:17,986 favorites . I don't pick favorites , 516 00:21:17,986 --> 00:21:19,986 especially on my side of the family 517 00:21:19,986 --> 00:21:22,097 when my father was army air corps , I 518 00:21:22,097 --> 00:21:24,319 never picked a favorite between the two 519 00:21:24,319 --> 00:21:26,541 of them . So we're gonna start with the 520 00:21:26,541 --> 00:21:25,910 service Chiefs were gonna go in 521 00:21:25,910 --> 00:21:28,330 alphabetical order then followed by the 522 00:21:28,330 --> 00:21:31,830 vice chief martin and McCartney . 523 00:21:31,850 --> 00:21:34,072 Uh your full statements are going to be 524 00:21:34,072 --> 00:21:36,294 entered into the record so I ask you to 525 00:21:36,294 --> 00:21:38,517 limit your remarks to no more than five 526 00:21:38,517 --> 00:21:40,572 minutes under Secretary McCord . You 527 00:21:40,572 --> 00:21:40,550 are first 528 00:21:47,940 --> 00:21:50,470 ah and also chair to Laura and ranking 529 00:21:50,470 --> 00:21:52,581 member Granger . Thank you Members of 530 00:21:52,581 --> 00:21:54,414 the committee . I appreciate the 531 00:21:54,414 --> 00:21:56,414 opportunity to speak with you today 532 00:21:56,414 --> 00:21:58,192 along with our leaders from the 533 00:21:58,192 --> 00:22:00,303 services on the importance of getting 534 00:22:00,303 --> 00:22:02,470 full year appropriations . Rather than 535 00:22:02,470 --> 00:22:04,414 seeing continued extensions of the 536 00:22:04,414 --> 00:22:06,581 current continuing resolution or CR in 537 00:22:06,581 --> 00:22:08,526 particular , I want to express our 538 00:22:08,526 --> 00:22:10,748 concerns about the potential for a full 539 00:22:10,748 --> 00:22:10,310 year CR which is something the 540 00:22:10,310 --> 00:22:12,310 department has never been forced to 541 00:22:12,310 --> 00:22:14,490 operate under Our military leaders are 542 00:22:14,490 --> 00:22:16,490 going to speak in more detail about 543 00:22:16,490 --> 00:22:18,712 specifics impacts on their services and 544 00:22:18,712 --> 00:22:20,768 their people . But let me begin with 545 00:22:20,768 --> 00:22:22,934 some points that are of concern across 546 00:22:22,934 --> 00:22:25,046 the department to amplify the point . 547 00:22:25,046 --> 00:22:27,212 Secretary Austin made in his statement 548 00:22:27,212 --> 00:22:29,268 of December 6 , 2021 , which I would 549 00:22:29,268 --> 00:22:31,490 ask the chair that you're allowed to be 550 00:22:31,490 --> 00:22:33,768 inserted in the record of this hearing . 551 00:22:33,768 --> 00:22:36,300 Also without objection , thank you for 552 00:22:36,300 --> 00:22:39,150 your CR chair and members would move us 553 00:22:39,150 --> 00:22:41,150 in the wrong direction and leave us 554 00:22:41,150 --> 00:22:43,372 stuck in the wrong place first . If you 555 00:22:43,372 --> 00:22:45,594 want us to be more competitive with her 556 00:22:45,594 --> 00:22:47,594 adversaries , it's going to make us 557 00:22:47,594 --> 00:22:47,560 less . So if you want us to be more 558 00:22:47,560 --> 00:22:49,727 agile , a CR has the opposite effect . 559 00:22:50,320 --> 00:22:52,487 It would undermine our your support of 560 00:22:52,487 --> 00:22:54,653 our men and women in uniform and their 561 00:22:54,653 --> 00:22:56,720 families . Finally , congress in 562 00:22:56,720 --> 00:22:58,810 passing the recently enacted fy 22 563 00:22:58,810 --> 00:23:00,921 defense authorization bill was voting 564 00:23:00,921 --> 00:23:03,410 in part to increased bot funding . If 565 00:23:03,410 --> 00:23:05,577 that is what Congress wants . Enacting 566 00:23:05,577 --> 00:23:07,743 a full year CR would send our top line 567 00:23:07,743 --> 00:23:10,350 down not up let me now briefly expand 568 00:23:10,350 --> 00:23:12,900 on a few of these concerns First . As I 569 00:23:12,900 --> 00:23:15,067 believe you are all aware of full year 570 00:23:15,067 --> 00:23:17,289 cr would reduce our funding level below 571 00:23:17,289 --> 00:23:19,400 what we requested and what we believe 572 00:23:19,400 --> 00:23:21,067 we need on the surface at the 573 00:23:21,067 --> 00:23:22,956 department level as a whole . The 574 00:23:22,956 --> 00:23:22,650 reduction to our accounts would appear 575 00:23:22,650 --> 00:23:24,706 to be about $8 billion dollars below 576 00:23:24,706 --> 00:23:26,317 our request . Which would be 577 00:23:26,317 --> 00:23:28,428 significant even if that was the only 578 00:23:28,428 --> 00:23:30,261 impact . The actual reduction in 579 00:23:30,261 --> 00:23:32,372 practice will be much greater because 580 00:23:32,372 --> 00:23:34,261 we would have significant funding 581 00:23:34,261 --> 00:23:36,372 that's misaligned , trapped or frozen 582 00:23:36,372 --> 00:23:38,206 in the wrong places and unusable 583 00:23:38,206 --> 00:23:38,040 because we don't have the tools or 584 00:23:38,040 --> 00:23:40,040 flexibility to realign funds on 585 00:23:40,040 --> 00:23:42,207 anything like the scam . We would need 586 00:23:42,207 --> 00:23:44,429 to fix all the problems that the Chiefs 587 00:23:44,429 --> 00:23:46,651 are going to describe to cite one major 588 00:23:46,651 --> 00:23:48,651 example . Although it's a different 589 00:23:48,651 --> 00:23:50,707 subcommittee . I know all of you are 590 00:23:50,707 --> 00:23:52,540 very familiar With the fact that 591 00:23:52,540 --> 00:23:52,410 virtually all military construction 592 00:23:52,410 --> 00:23:54,243 projects in each year's budget , 593 00:23:54,243 --> 00:23:56,760 including the 22 budget are new stars 594 00:23:57,140 --> 00:23:59,930 that cannot be executed under a Cr In 595 00:23:59,930 --> 00:24:01,986 this specific case . That's over 100 596 00:24:01,986 --> 00:24:04,208 projects and over $5 billion dollars in 597 00:24:04,208 --> 00:24:06,319 funding . That would be unusable . So 598 00:24:06,319 --> 00:24:08,319 that's one example of on top of the 599 00:24:08,319 --> 00:24:10,541 eight billion that it looks like at the 600 00:24:10,541 --> 00:24:12,597 gross level when you get down in the 601 00:24:12,597 --> 00:24:14,763 details if you add the impacts of this 602 00:24:14,763 --> 00:24:16,874 unusable funding to the straight loss 603 00:24:16,874 --> 00:24:18,930 of purchasing power under a Cr , the 604 00:24:18,930 --> 00:24:20,874 real impacts on our operations and 605 00:24:20,874 --> 00:24:22,819 programs will double or triple the 606 00:24:22,819 --> 00:24:24,874 impact of the cuts as we go into the 607 00:24:24,874 --> 00:24:26,708 procurement and the research and 608 00:24:26,708 --> 00:24:28,819 development accounts to calculate all 609 00:24:28,819 --> 00:24:30,986 the funding tied to individual program 610 00:24:30,986 --> 00:24:33,041 rate increases or new starts that we 611 00:24:33,041 --> 00:24:35,097 would not be able to execute leaving 612 00:24:35,097 --> 00:24:36,930 those funds stranded . Not every 613 00:24:36,930 --> 00:24:39,152 acquisition program would be restricted 614 00:24:39,152 --> 00:24:41,374 and impacts would be very uneven . Some 615 00:24:41,374 --> 00:24:43,263 programs such as the ground based 616 00:24:43,263 --> 00:24:45,319 strategic deterrent would be delayed 617 00:24:45,319 --> 00:24:47,486 significantly by the cuts imposed by a 618 00:24:47,486 --> 00:24:47,180 CR . While others , such as the 619 00:24:47,180 --> 00:24:49,069 procurement of two Virginia class 620 00:24:49,069 --> 00:24:50,791 submarines might be relatively 621 00:24:50,791 --> 00:24:52,958 unaffected . The most damaging impacts 622 00:24:52,958 --> 00:24:55,124 would be on those who deserve at least 623 00:24:55,124 --> 00:24:57,402 our service members and their families . 624 00:24:57,402 --> 00:24:57,390 The biggest holes would be in our 625 00:24:57,390 --> 00:24:59,390 military personnel accounts and our 626 00:24:59,390 --> 00:25:01,390 training and readiness accounts are 627 00:25:01,390 --> 00:25:03,390 military personnel accounts will be 628 00:25:03,390 --> 00:25:07,230 funded $5 billion cr yet inside 629 00:25:07,230 --> 00:25:09,397 those flat funding levels . As several 630 00:25:09,397 --> 00:25:11,508 members have noted , we would have to 631 00:25:11,508 --> 00:25:13,674 absorb the cost of a well deserved pay 632 00:25:13,674 --> 00:25:15,786 raise and other statutory housing and 633 00:25:15,786 --> 00:25:15,710 subsistence increases for the troops . 634 00:25:16,140 --> 00:25:18,860 This means that within a flat number 635 00:25:18,860 --> 00:25:20,890 absorbing a pay raise . We will be 636 00:25:20,890 --> 00:25:23,057 forced to take action such as delaying 637 00:25:23,057 --> 00:25:25,001 and suspending permanent change of 638 00:25:25,001 --> 00:25:26,834 station moves for our people and 639 00:25:26,834 --> 00:25:28,834 delaying accessions of new troops , 640 00:25:28,834 --> 00:25:28,670 which would disrupt our training 641 00:25:28,670 --> 00:25:31,770 pipeline In the operating accounts 642 00:25:31,780 --> 00:25:34,160 where cr would leave us another 5.3 643 00:25:34,160 --> 00:25:36,382 billion below are requested levels . We 644 00:25:36,382 --> 00:25:38,438 would almost certainly have to defer 645 00:25:38,438 --> 00:25:40,660 training and readiness and take greater 646 00:25:40,660 --> 00:25:42,716 risk in our facilities maintenance . 647 00:25:42,716 --> 00:25:44,882 Especially if we endeavor to avoid any 648 00:25:44,882 --> 00:25:44,560 furloughs of our civilian workforce 649 00:25:44,560 --> 00:25:46,782 because civilian pays a very large part 650 00:25:46,782 --> 00:25:48,870 of the operating accounts . We also 651 00:25:48,870 --> 00:25:51,148 have an issue with military healthcare . 652 00:25:51,148 --> 00:25:53,259 This account would be short by over a 653 00:25:53,259 --> 00:25:55,592 billion dollars compared to our request . 654 00:25:55,592 --> 00:25:57,703 Yet we have no ability to control the 655 00:25:57,703 --> 00:25:57,060 demand for healthcare by our 656 00:25:57,060 --> 00:25:59,410 beneficiaries . Nor would we wish to , 657 00:25:59,530 --> 00:26:01,419 especially during a pandemic . So 658 00:26:01,419 --> 00:26:03,586 people show up to the doctor , we have 659 00:26:03,586 --> 00:26:05,586 to pay that bill . Some might ask , 660 00:26:05,586 --> 00:26:07,808 well , can't we address these issues by 661 00:26:07,808 --> 00:26:09,641 reprogramming funds to solve our 662 00:26:09,641 --> 00:26:11,363 biggest problems . First , the 663 00:26:11,363 --> 00:26:13,252 committees have never approved of 664 00:26:13,252 --> 00:26:15,141 reprogramming during a continuing 665 00:26:15,141 --> 00:26:17,308 resolution . If we get past that issue 666 00:26:17,308 --> 00:26:19,419 as we would need to under a year long 667 00:26:19,419 --> 00:26:21,641 cr just to fix one high impact problems 668 00:26:21,641 --> 00:26:23,863 such as the billion dollar shortfall in 669 00:26:23,863 --> 00:26:23,750 the ground based strategic deterrent 670 00:26:23,750 --> 00:26:26,260 program would consume 25% of the $4 671 00:26:26,260 --> 00:26:28,482 billion in transfer authority available 672 00:26:28,482 --> 00:26:30,704 to me for the entire department for the 673 00:26:30,704 --> 00:26:32,704 entire year . And yet I would still 674 00:26:32,704 --> 00:26:34,927 have dozens of other crm posed problems 675 00:26:34,927 --> 00:26:37,093 to address the idea that being under a 676 00:26:37,093 --> 00:26:39,204 continuing resolution into january or 677 00:26:39,204 --> 00:26:41,427 february is not unusual and that a full 678 00:26:41,427 --> 00:26:43,427 year cr is now considered a serious 679 00:26:43,427 --> 00:26:45,649 possibility did not come from nowhere . 680 00:26:45,649 --> 00:26:45,430 And I believe it's important just to 681 00:26:45,430 --> 00:26:47,486 take a moment to step back from this 682 00:26:47,486 --> 00:26:49,374 current situation and look at the 683 00:26:49,374 --> 00:26:51,374 broader context . We've been slowly 684 00:26:51,374 --> 00:26:53,597 boiling this frog for a number of years 685 00:26:53,597 --> 00:26:55,763 and we may not fully appreciate what's 686 00:26:55,763 --> 00:26:57,819 been happening For the 20 years that 687 00:26:57,819 --> 00:27:00,041 followed the end of the Cold War . From 688 00:27:00,041 --> 00:27:02,097 fiscal years 1991 through 2010 , the 689 00:27:02,097 --> 00:27:03,930 date of enactment of the defense 690 00:27:03,930 --> 00:27:05,986 appropriations bill averaged 24 days 691 00:27:05,986 --> 00:27:07,986 into the fiscal year or less than a 692 00:27:07,986 --> 00:27:10,208 month late . But since the enactment of 693 00:27:10,208 --> 00:27:12,430 the Budget Control Act in fy 2011 , the 694 00:27:12,430 --> 00:27:14,541 10 years of the B . C . A . That then 695 00:27:14,541 --> 00:27:16,597 followed that enactment and now this 696 00:27:16,597 --> 00:27:18,708 first year after the B . C . A . That 697 00:27:18,708 --> 00:27:20,874 average has ballooned to 118 days late 698 00:27:20,874 --> 00:27:23,097 Over the last 12 years assuming that we 699 00:27:23,097 --> 00:27:25,152 could land this plane on February 18 700 00:27:25,152 --> 00:27:27,690 this year , The sixth longest crs in 701 00:27:27,690 --> 00:27:29,801 the history of the Defense Department 702 00:27:29,801 --> 00:27:31,968 have all occurred in this last 12 year 703 00:27:31,968 --> 00:27:33,912 period . We have turned a 12-month 704 00:27:33,912 --> 00:27:36,079 fiscal year into an eight-month fiscal 705 00:27:36,079 --> 00:27:37,968 year . In terms of our ability to 706 00:27:37,968 --> 00:27:40,301 initiate new starts and enter contracts . 707 00:27:40,301 --> 00:27:42,523 This should be unacceptable and not the 708 00:27:42,523 --> 00:27:44,746 new normal . It's hard to see this full 709 00:27:44,746 --> 00:27:46,857 impact because or in the inefficiency 710 00:27:46,857 --> 00:27:48,968 from looking from outside because the 711 00:27:48,968 --> 00:27:51,079 organization has of course adapted to 712 00:27:51,079 --> 00:27:53,357 its circumstances just as organisms do . 713 00:27:53,357 --> 00:27:55,579 Nobody plans to enter into contracts in 714 00:27:55,579 --> 00:27:54,860 the first quarter of the fiscal year 715 00:27:54,860 --> 00:27:56,804 now because the odds that we would 716 00:27:56,804 --> 00:27:58,971 actually be able to do so are so low . 717 00:27:58,971 --> 00:28:00,582 Therefore we in turn have no 718 00:28:00,582 --> 00:28:02,693 significant contract delays to report 719 00:28:02,693 --> 00:28:04,620 to you when we're under a cr In 720 00:28:04,620 --> 00:28:06,787 addition to the direct consequences of 721 00:28:06,787 --> 00:28:09,009 a cr including with the inefficiency of 722 00:28:09,009 --> 00:28:11,064 the disruption to our people and our 723 00:28:11,064 --> 00:28:10,980 operations and reduction in the 724 00:28:10,980 --> 00:28:13,150 resources that I have described . We 725 00:28:13,150 --> 00:28:15,150 should not forget that inflation is 726 00:28:15,150 --> 00:28:17,317 also eating into our funding while our 727 00:28:17,317 --> 00:28:19,539 funding remains on hold . As Mr Calvert 728 00:28:19,539 --> 00:28:21,872 noted for example , I've had to improve , 729 00:28:21,872 --> 00:28:24,094 improve to increases in our fuel prices 730 00:28:24,094 --> 00:28:26,150 this year already . First on October 731 00:28:26,150 --> 00:28:28,261 one and a second . One on january 1st 732 00:28:28,261 --> 00:28:30,094 in order to keep our our working 733 00:28:30,094 --> 00:28:32,260 capital fund solvent . So this has 734 00:28:32,260 --> 00:28:34,427 created a bill of a billion and a half 735 00:28:34,427 --> 00:28:36,593 dollars to the services for fy 22 . In 736 00:28:36,593 --> 00:28:38,538 addition to the reductions that we 737 00:28:38,538 --> 00:28:40,704 already have described . And finally , 738 00:28:40,704 --> 00:28:42,871 uh to be clear , the department is not 739 00:28:42,871 --> 00:28:44,871 alone in this regard . We recognize 740 00:28:44,871 --> 00:28:44,650 that in fact we have been treated 741 00:28:44,650 --> 00:28:46,761 better over the years than some other 742 00:28:46,761 --> 00:28:48,761 agencies . Department of Health and 743 00:28:48,761 --> 00:28:50,817 human services is on the front lines 744 00:28:50,817 --> 00:28:53,039 against the covid 19 pandemic . We have 745 00:28:53,039 --> 00:28:55,206 attacks on our critical infrastructure 746 00:28:55,206 --> 00:28:57,261 and natural disasters that we expect 747 00:28:57,261 --> 00:28:57,050 the Department of homeland Security to 748 00:28:57,050 --> 00:28:59,650 respond to . We have to ensure Children 749 00:28:59,650 --> 00:29:01,761 get the quality education , they need 750 00:29:01,761 --> 00:29:03,650 to become the trained and capable 751 00:29:03,650 --> 00:29:05,539 workforce of tomorrow so we can't 752 00:29:05,539 --> 00:29:05,250 afford to run the federal government 753 00:29:05,260 --> 00:29:07,371 any agency in the long year on a year 754 00:29:07,371 --> 00:29:10,090 long cr our competitors china and 755 00:29:10,090 --> 00:29:12,312 Russia in particular use all the pieces 756 00:29:12,312 --> 00:29:14,479 on the chessboard to compete with us , 757 00:29:14,479 --> 00:29:16,479 not just their military assets were 758 00:29:16,479 --> 00:29:18,701 competing on the diplomatic front , the 759 00:29:18,701 --> 00:29:20,812 economic front , the military front , 760 00:29:20,812 --> 00:29:22,979 innovation and technology . If we take 761 00:29:22,979 --> 00:29:25,201 this competition seriously as we should 762 00:29:25,201 --> 00:29:27,090 and as our adversaries do then we 763 00:29:27,090 --> 00:29:29,201 cannot afford to continue acting this 764 00:29:29,201 --> 00:29:31,534 way . Time is money and year after year . 765 00:29:31,534 --> 00:29:33,757 We're giving away time in these lengthy 766 00:29:33,757 --> 00:29:33,510 crs we do not have such an 767 00:29:33,510 --> 00:29:35,677 insurmountable edge on our competitors 768 00:29:35,677 --> 00:29:37,899 that we can afford to keep doing this . 769 00:29:37,899 --> 00:29:40,121 Let me close chair and turn over torrey 770 00:29:40,121 --> 00:29:42,288 military leaders for more specifics By 771 00:29:42,288 --> 00:29:44,510 quoting what Secretary Austin said last 772 00:29:44,510 --> 00:29:46,677 month quote , I strongly urge Congress 773 00:29:46,677 --> 00:29:48,732 to seize this opportunity to sustain 774 00:29:48,732 --> 00:29:50,677 american competitiveness , advance 775 00:29:50,677 --> 00:29:52,621 american leadership and enable our 776 00:29:52,621 --> 00:29:54,454 forces by immediately reaching a 777 00:29:54,454 --> 00:29:56,621 bipartisan bicameral agreement on on a 778 00:29:56,621 --> 00:29:58,843 full year . Fy 22 appropriations . It's 779 00:29:58,843 --> 00:30:01,066 not only the right thing to do but it's 780 00:30:01,066 --> 00:30:00,720 the best thing that they can do for our 781 00:30:00,720 --> 00:30:03,040 nation's defense with that I look 782 00:30:03,040 --> 00:30:05,262 forward to to your questions . Once all 783 00:30:05,262 --> 00:30:07,207 the witnesses have concluded their 784 00:30:07,207 --> 00:30:09,429 statements . Thank you . Thank you very 785 00:30:09,429 --> 00:30:10,929 much and thank you for the 786 00:30:10,929 --> 00:30:13,040 accessibility . Our office and I know 787 00:30:13,040 --> 00:30:14,873 other offices that serve on this 788 00:30:14,873 --> 00:30:17,110 committee have had for questions um 789 00:30:17,120 --> 00:30:20,990 especially during the seriousness 790 00:30:20,990 --> 00:30:23,212 of the Afghan refugees . Thank you very 791 00:30:23,212 --> 00:30:25,046 much for your your work and your 792 00:30:25,046 --> 00:30:27,212 professionalism general , our burger . 793 00:30:27,212 --> 00:30:30,730 You're next Darren mccollum . 794 00:30:30,740 --> 00:30:32,670 Ranking member of calvert charity 795 00:30:32,680 --> 00:30:35,050 Dolora and ranking member Granger and 796 00:30:35,050 --> 00:30:37,350 the other distinguished members . The 797 00:30:37,350 --> 00:30:39,572 subcommittee thanks for the opportunity 798 00:30:39,572 --> 00:30:42,280 to here before you today . Last spring 799 00:30:43,140 --> 00:30:46,670 At the FY 22 posturing , I updated this 800 00:30:46,680 --> 00:30:48,847 committee on the force design effort . 801 00:30:49,140 --> 00:30:51,970 The Marine Corps began in 2019 were now 802 00:30:51,980 --> 00:30:55,600 2.5 years into that major effort Of 803 00:30:55,600 --> 00:30:57,970 course designed 2030 is how your Marine 804 00:30:57,970 --> 00:31:00,026 Corps is adjusting for the future in 805 00:31:00,026 --> 00:31:01,637 order to match the operating 806 00:31:01,637 --> 00:31:03,859 environment and to stay in front of our 807 00:31:03,859 --> 00:31:06,780 adversaries . With that in mind , it 808 00:31:06,780 --> 00:31:09,410 offered three ways that a yearlong 809 00:31:09,410 --> 00:31:11,920 continuing resolution , which as noted 810 00:31:11,930 --> 00:31:14,770 we've never had before . We have a much 811 00:31:14,770 --> 00:31:17,570 greater adverse impact than previous 812 00:31:17,570 --> 00:31:19,737 year . Continuing resolutions and I'll 813 00:31:19,737 --> 00:31:22,660 start with people , you're marines and 814 00:31:22,670 --> 00:31:25,600 their famous if we were a conscript 815 00:31:25,600 --> 00:31:28,880 force , we wouldn't worry much about an 816 00:31:28,890 --> 00:31:31,860 impact of an extended cr an all 817 00:31:31,860 --> 00:31:33,860 volunteer force on the other hand , 818 00:31:33,860 --> 00:31:36,930 relies on volunteers , volunteers to 819 00:31:36,930 --> 00:31:39,670 enlist volunteers to stay in service 820 00:31:40,650 --> 00:31:44,100 Crs eat away at the trust those marines 821 00:31:44,100 --> 00:31:45,933 and their families have in their 822 00:31:45,933 --> 00:31:48,120 government with no appropriations . I 823 00:31:48,120 --> 00:31:50,260 will have to delay and cancel some 824 00:31:50,260 --> 00:31:52,960 transfer orders , incentive pays and 825 00:31:52,960 --> 00:31:56,670 bonuses reduced families won't know 826 00:31:57,140 --> 00:31:59,362 whether to renew their housing leases , 827 00:31:59,362 --> 00:32:01,680 spouses won't know whether to accept 828 00:32:01,680 --> 00:32:04,880 the job offer that gap last week . All 829 00:32:04,880 --> 00:32:07,510 due to uncertainty . The impacts on 830 00:32:07,510 --> 00:32:09,940 recruiting and retention will last . 831 00:32:09,950 --> 00:32:12,710 I'm confident well beyond 2022 because 832 00:32:12,710 --> 00:32:15,800 you cannot rebuild trust in a week for 833 00:32:15,800 --> 00:32:17,689 a month or a year . Not in an all 834 00:32:17,689 --> 00:32:20,960 volunteer force . Second for the Marine 835 00:32:20,960 --> 00:32:23,127 Corps impacts on modernization and the 836 00:32:23,127 --> 00:32:25,238 industrial base risk especially acute 837 00:32:25,540 --> 00:32:27,770 as a result of forced design decisions 838 00:32:27,770 --> 00:32:29,826 I've taken over the past few years . 839 00:32:30,340 --> 00:32:32,890 We've already divested of cold and 840 00:32:32,890 --> 00:32:35,710 begun to reinvest in new , which was a 841 00:32:35,710 --> 00:32:37,543 prudent plan that this committee 842 00:32:37,543 --> 00:32:39,710 recommended I take and each of you has 843 00:32:39,710 --> 00:32:42,420 fully supported today . Continuing 844 00:32:42,420 --> 00:32:44,587 resolutions . However , looking in one 845 00:32:44,587 --> 00:32:47,800 direction backwards , they execute last 846 00:32:47,800 --> 00:32:49,689 year's budget against this year's 847 00:32:49,689 --> 00:32:52,420 priorities . CRS effectively prevent 848 00:32:52,420 --> 00:32:55,320 modernization at speed . The speed 849 00:32:55,320 --> 00:32:58,400 required for us to keep up the pace and 850 00:32:58,400 --> 00:33:00,840 our adversaries have set and sustained 851 00:33:00,850 --> 00:33:03,990 and here's the thing about that we 852 00:33:03,990 --> 00:33:06,268 actually stand to be outpaced by china , 853 00:33:06,268 --> 00:33:08,490 not because of their speed that because 854 00:33:08,490 --> 00:33:10,601 of our failure to comply with our own 855 00:33:10,601 --> 00:33:13,850 budgetary processes . Time is the one 856 00:33:13,850 --> 00:33:16,350 critical resource as the undersecretary 857 00:33:16,350 --> 00:33:18,406 pointed out , we need to affect real 858 00:33:18,406 --> 00:33:20,461 change and no amount of resources in 859 00:33:20,461 --> 00:33:23,920 the future can buy back lost time Under 860 00:33:23,920 --> 00:33:26,820 a 4-year cr . We will delay acquisition 861 00:33:26,820 --> 00:33:29,340 of critical Marine Corps force design 862 00:33:29,340 --> 00:33:32,730 programs . MQ 98 procurement won't 863 00:33:32,730 --> 00:33:35,990 happen . Production increases for f 35 864 00:33:36,000 --> 00:33:39,580 Bs KC 1 30 J CH 53 K 865 00:33:39,580 --> 00:33:41,770 aircraft . The amphibious combat 866 00:33:41,770 --> 00:33:44,820 vehicle won't happen . Workers in 867 00:33:44,820 --> 00:33:47,690 southern California york , pennsylvania 868 00:33:47,690 --> 00:33:50,180 Dallas , fort Worth , Camden Arkansas , 869 00:33:50,190 --> 00:33:53,180 Tucson , Arizona Stratford Connecticut 870 00:33:53,180 --> 00:33:55,180 and a dozen other locations will be 871 00:33:55,180 --> 00:33:57,500 affected . Those workers need 872 00:33:57,510 --> 00:34:00,080 predictability . Actually , there is 873 00:34:00,080 --> 00:34:02,191 one predictable outcome of a yearlong 874 00:34:02,191 --> 00:34:04,358 cr and that is that those workers will 875 00:34:04,358 --> 00:34:06,730 go elsewhere because they have families 876 00:34:06,730 --> 00:34:10,350 to support . Third , we face the 877 00:34:10,350 --> 00:34:12,183 prospect of losing the trust and 878 00:34:12,183 --> 00:34:14,294 confidence of our allies and partners 879 00:34:14,294 --> 00:34:16,406 because commanders will have to scale 880 00:34:16,406 --> 00:34:18,517 back is scheduled exercises they have 881 00:34:18,517 --> 00:34:20,628 for this year and in some cases still 882 00:34:20,628 --> 00:34:22,800 need to cancel . Well , that's only 883 00:34:22,800 --> 00:34:24,760 relevant if your national security 884 00:34:24,760 --> 00:34:26,593 strategy , depends on allies and 885 00:34:26,593 --> 00:34:30,450 partners ours does . Trust is a big 886 00:34:30,450 --> 00:34:32,561 part of what keeps the door open with 887 00:34:32,561 --> 00:34:34,670 our partners once that door closes , 888 00:34:35,040 --> 00:34:37,096 it's really hard to recover from the 889 00:34:37,096 --> 00:34:38,651 damage done to the military 890 00:34:38,651 --> 00:34:40,740 relationships . We should anticipate 891 00:34:40,740 --> 00:34:42,796 that some of them will begin to look 892 00:34:42,796 --> 00:34:44,580 elsewhere for more reliable , 893 00:34:44,580 --> 00:34:47,850 dependable partners . One final point , 894 00:34:48,740 --> 00:34:52,030 sadly , as pointed out as a military , 895 00:34:52,030 --> 00:34:54,086 we've become accustomed to a process 896 00:34:54,086 --> 00:34:56,252 that fails to deliver a budget on time 897 00:34:56,440 --> 00:34:59,240 and over the past decade of cRS , we've 898 00:34:59,240 --> 00:35:01,462 learned how to adjust our operating and 899 00:35:01,462 --> 00:35:03,690 contracting practices for the 900 00:35:03,690 --> 00:35:05,634 continuing resolution that we just 901 00:35:05,634 --> 00:35:07,023 assume it's gonna happen 902 00:35:10,140 --> 00:35:13,390 at behaving badly . If the past 10 903 00:35:13,390 --> 00:35:15,660 budget cycles are prologue , we'll be 904 00:35:15,660 --> 00:35:17,716 meeting here again next year to talk 905 00:35:17,716 --> 00:35:20,060 about the same things during that time . 906 00:35:20,540 --> 00:35:22,540 The chinese will launch more than a 907 00:35:22,540 --> 00:35:24,630 dozen new surface combatants . The 908 00:35:24,630 --> 00:35:27,370 launch patrol craft carrier capable of 909 00:35:27,370 --> 00:35:30,710 carrying long range anti ship cruise 910 00:35:30,710 --> 00:35:32,710 missiles . They'll field additional 911 00:35:32,940 --> 00:35:35,250 Squadrons of 5th Generation Aircraft . 912 00:35:36,440 --> 00:35:38,496 We can't afford to have that meeting 913 00:35:38,496 --> 00:35:40,990 here next year . Service chiefs need 914 00:35:40,990 --> 00:35:42,879 sufficient , stable , predictable 915 00:35:42,879 --> 00:35:45,157 funding to stay in front of our pacing , 916 00:35:45,157 --> 00:35:47,370 threat to deter our adversaries and if 917 00:35:47,370 --> 00:35:51,290 need be to fight and win , we 918 00:35:51,290 --> 00:35:53,234 haven't taken any of these extreme 919 00:35:53,234 --> 00:35:55,860 actions . Not yet . This train wreck in 920 00:35:55,860 --> 00:35:58,260 front of us is entirely preventable 921 00:35:59,140 --> 00:36:01,251 again . Thanks for the opportunity to 922 00:36:01,251 --> 00:36:03,362 appear here this morning . And I look 923 00:36:03,362 --> 00:36:05,473 forward to your questions . Thank you 924 00:36:05,473 --> 00:36:07,700 Sir . Admiral guilty . You're up next 925 00:36:07,700 --> 00:36:11,260 please terry mccollum . Ranking member 926 00:36:11,260 --> 00:36:14,040 calvert , Dell'Oro ranking member 927 00:36:14,040 --> 00:36:16,262 Granger and other distinguished members 928 00:36:16,262 --> 00:36:18,484 of the subcommittee . Thank you for the 929 00:36:18,484 --> 00:36:20,720 opportunity . Testify with my fellow 930 00:36:20,720 --> 00:36:23,690 service chiefs this morning and Mr 931 00:36:23,690 --> 00:36:26,760 McCord's Well , the peace dividend has 932 00:36:26,760 --> 00:36:29,340 long passed . We are now in a 933 00:36:29,340 --> 00:36:32,100 relentless race with your competitor 934 00:36:32,530 --> 00:36:34,586 every day . Matters in this critical 935 00:36:34,586 --> 00:36:38,250 decade . In the face of a rising china 936 00:36:38,930 --> 00:36:41,570 Navy's top line . In other words , our 937 00:36:41,570 --> 00:36:44,450 buying power has been relatively flat 938 00:36:45,030 --> 00:36:48,650 for more than a decade . A yearlong cr . 939 00:36:49,130 --> 00:36:53,120 It will cost us time that can't be 940 00:36:53,120 --> 00:36:56,750 recovered and have irreversible impact 941 00:36:57,130 --> 00:37:00,050 to some of our most important programs . 942 00:37:00,730 --> 00:37:03,310 This is exacerbated during a time when 943 00:37:03,310 --> 00:37:05,570 we're still fighting the pandemic As 944 00:37:05,570 --> 00:37:07,459 well as his rank . Ranking member 945 00:37:07,459 --> 00:37:11,410 Calvin uh mentioned a 7% inflation 946 00:37:11,410 --> 00:37:15,170 rate on a budget , 60% of which 947 00:37:15,180 --> 00:37:17,750 already rises above the rate of 948 00:37:17,750 --> 00:37:20,090 inflation . I'd like to briefly 949 00:37:20,090 --> 00:37:21,979 summarize what I see as the major 950 00:37:21,979 --> 00:37:24,850 impacts in three areas . The first is 951 00:37:24,850 --> 00:37:28,510 strategically the impacts of a yearlong 952 00:37:28,510 --> 00:37:31,270 Cr will further erode our ability to 953 00:37:31,270 --> 00:37:33,750 credibly deter our adversaries . 954 00:37:34,930 --> 00:37:38,770 Your long CR will yield a smaller last 955 00:37:38,770 --> 00:37:42,720 ready less capable and less lethal 956 00:37:42,880 --> 00:37:46,140 United States Navy . It will have 957 00:37:46,140 --> 00:37:48,240 significant impacts to readiness , 958 00:37:48,630 --> 00:37:52,440 modernization and shipbuilding . The 959 00:37:52,440 --> 00:37:55,130 work that we are pursuing the once in a 960 00:37:55,130 --> 00:37:58,230 century work on our public shipyards 961 00:37:58,390 --> 00:38:02,190 will come to a stop the work that we're 962 00:38:02,190 --> 00:38:06,130 doing to invest in a new S . S . B . 963 00:38:06,130 --> 00:38:09,200 N . The most the most survivable leg of 964 00:38:09,200 --> 00:38:12,440 our strategic triad will be put at risk 965 00:38:13,420 --> 00:38:13,750 this 966 00:38:19,820 --> 00:38:21,931 sir . You have lost your audio if you 967 00:38:21,931 --> 00:38:25,590 can hear me . Can you hear me ma'am ? I 968 00:38:25,590 --> 00:38:27,812 can hear you now . Thank you . Yeah , I 969 00:38:27,812 --> 00:38:29,923 mentioned the impacts on the Columbia 970 00:38:29,923 --> 00:38:32,340 program . Rss bien that most survivable 971 00:38:32,340 --> 00:38:35,130 leg of the triad . And the fact that uh 972 00:38:35,140 --> 00:38:37,300 that program has no margin as it 973 00:38:37,300 --> 00:38:39,411 replaces submarines that have been in 974 00:38:39,411 --> 00:38:42,470 the water for four decades and lastly 975 00:38:42,470 --> 00:38:45,930 importantly , game changing uh 976 00:38:45,940 --> 00:38:48,107 investments that we're making in hyper 977 00:38:48,107 --> 00:38:50,930 sonics and laser weapons will also be 978 00:38:50,930 --> 00:38:53,300 impacted . The second area the 979 00:38:53,300 --> 00:38:56,150 commandant covered . I'll briefly cover 980 00:38:56,150 --> 00:38:58,960 as well and that's people . We'll 981 00:38:58,960 --> 00:39:02,130 reduce the sessions by almost 75% and 982 00:39:02,130 --> 00:39:05,800 will delay or cancel . Change of 983 00:39:05,800 --> 00:39:09,480 station moves by more than 50% . As the 984 00:39:09,480 --> 00:39:11,536 commandant mentioned . Families have 985 00:39:11,536 --> 00:39:13,702 already been planning for that spouses 986 00:39:13,702 --> 00:39:15,702 have already been accepting jobs or 987 00:39:15,702 --> 00:39:18,620 planning to relocate . We will we will 988 00:39:18,620 --> 00:39:20,820 withhold reenlistment bonuses and 989 00:39:20,820 --> 00:39:23,270 special incentive bonuses that keep our 990 00:39:23,270 --> 00:39:26,020 best sailors and their families in the 991 00:39:26,020 --> 00:39:29,800 United States Navy . And importantly 992 00:39:29,960 --> 00:39:33,810 we will exacerbate a Seydoux gap 993 00:39:33,820 --> 00:39:35,820 at risk breaking trust that further 994 00:39:35,820 --> 00:39:38,580 risk breaking trust with sailors and 995 00:39:38,580 --> 00:39:41,460 their families in the last area that I 996 00:39:41,460 --> 00:39:43,516 think it's important to highlight at 997 00:39:43,516 --> 00:39:45,627 least for the navy is the impact from 998 00:39:45,627 --> 00:39:47,540 the defense industrial base . The 999 00:39:47,540 --> 00:39:49,651 impact of covid and inflation as I've 1000 00:39:49,651 --> 00:39:52,000 already mentioned will be magnified by 1001 00:39:52,000 --> 00:39:54,920 a yearlong cr it'll hurt shipbuilders , 1002 00:39:54,950 --> 00:39:58,120 hurt aircraft manufacturers and small , 1003 00:39:58,120 --> 00:40:00,650 innovative high tech companies in all 1004 00:40:00,650 --> 00:40:02,483 of your districts that have made 1005 00:40:02,483 --> 00:40:05,180 significant investments on their own in 1006 00:40:05,180 --> 00:40:07,402 both infrastructure and their workforce 1007 00:40:07,402 --> 00:40:09,458 to make us a stronger , more capable 1008 00:40:09,458 --> 00:40:13,320 military . As others 1009 00:40:13,320 --> 00:40:15,542 have stated . We are well accustomed to 1010 00:40:15,542 --> 00:40:18,860 adjusting to short term crs as 1011 00:40:18,870 --> 00:40:21,580 as much as they are inefficient and 1012 00:40:21,580 --> 00:40:24,740 costly but we've become good at it . A 1013 00:40:24,740 --> 00:40:27,620 yearlong cr is completely new territory 1014 00:40:27,630 --> 00:40:30,300 that we have not dealt with before . It 1015 00:40:30,300 --> 00:40:32,920 will have significant impacts across 1016 00:40:32,920 --> 00:40:36,560 our military . Our Navy is 1017 00:40:36,560 --> 00:40:38,920 grateful for the subcommittee support 1018 00:40:38,930 --> 00:40:40,874 and I look forward to filling your 1019 00:40:40,874 --> 00:40:44,780 questions . Thank you . Thank you 1020 00:40:44,780 --> 00:40:47,790 very much for your testimony . General 1021 00:40:47,790 --> 00:40:49,360 Raymond please 1022 00:40:55,100 --> 00:40:56,933 share McCullum ranking member of 1023 00:40:56,933 --> 00:40:59,044 calvert , shared aloro ranking member 1024 00:40:59,044 --> 00:41:01,211 of ranger and distinguished members of 1025 00:41:01,211 --> 00:41:03,267 the subcommittee . Thank you for the 1026 00:41:03,267 --> 00:41:05,378 opportunity to testify virtually with 1027 00:41:05,378 --> 00:41:07,267 Mr . McCord and my fellow service 1028 00:41:07,267 --> 00:41:09,440 chiefs . I also want to thank this 1029 00:41:09,440 --> 00:41:11,662 committee for your continued leadership 1030 00:41:11,662 --> 00:41:13,773 and support of the guardians who I am 1031 00:41:13,773 --> 00:41:15,773 privileged to serve alongside . The 1032 00:41:15,773 --> 00:41:17,940 primary focus of the Space force is to 1033 00:41:17,940 --> 00:41:20,030 deliver capabilities that give our 1034 00:41:20,030 --> 00:41:22,330 forces the freedom to maneuver in the 1035 00:41:22,330 --> 00:41:25,440 time place and domain of our choosing . 1036 00:41:25,810 --> 00:41:29,230 That includes land , sea , air , cyber 1037 00:41:29,240 --> 00:41:31,940 and space . We're working to do this at 1038 00:41:31,940 --> 00:41:34,530 speed , focusing on our core missions 1039 00:41:34,530 --> 00:41:36,752 and working closely with this committee 1040 00:41:36,752 --> 00:41:40,280 as we stand up this force . As you know , 1041 00:41:40,290 --> 00:41:42,760 space is a contested domain , threats 1042 00:41:42,760 --> 00:41:44,704 are increasing and adversaries are 1043 00:41:44,704 --> 00:41:47,390 challenging our dominance . China 1044 00:41:47,390 --> 00:41:49,446 recently launched a hypersonic glide 1045 00:41:49,446 --> 00:41:51,170 vehicle and a fractional and a 1046 00:41:51,170 --> 00:41:53,450 fractional orbit likely capable of 1047 00:41:53,450 --> 00:41:55,910 delivering weapons . If we can't track 1048 00:41:55,910 --> 00:41:58,490 it , we can't defeat it . Russia's 1049 00:41:58,490 --> 00:42:00,690 recent anti satellite test was 1050 00:42:00,690 --> 00:42:02,857 shattered at defunct Russian satellite 1051 00:42:02,857 --> 00:42:04,912 into thousands of pieces of debris . 1052 00:42:05,500 --> 00:42:08,000 Also threaten the freedom of our forces 1053 00:42:08,000 --> 00:42:10,320 to operate in the time and place of our 1054 00:42:10,320 --> 00:42:12,960 choosing . Our adversaries are 1055 00:42:12,960 --> 00:42:15,480 accelerating . This is not the time to 1056 00:42:15,480 --> 00:42:17,660 be slowing the development and feeling 1057 00:42:17,840 --> 00:42:20,010 of modernized capabilities for our 1058 00:42:20,010 --> 00:42:23,370 forces . Please allow me to detail how 1059 00:42:23,370 --> 00:42:26,500 a long term CR will hurt our ability to 1060 00:42:26,500 --> 00:42:30,100 address these and other threats . A 1061 00:42:30,100 --> 00:42:32,044 yearlong cr would reduce the space 1062 00:42:32,044 --> 00:42:34,870 force's top line budget by $2 billion , 1063 00:42:35,500 --> 00:42:38,340 slowing modernization , decreasing 1064 00:42:38,340 --> 00:42:40,630 readiness and impacting our ability to 1065 00:42:40,630 --> 00:42:42,963 compete and deter with china and Russia . 1066 00:42:43,500 --> 00:42:45,270 It would decrease research and 1067 00:42:45,270 --> 00:42:47,159 development for resilient missile 1068 00:42:47,159 --> 00:42:49,650 warning and missile tracking . It will 1069 00:42:49,660 --> 00:42:51,720 uh and for space domain awareness , 1070 00:42:51,720 --> 00:42:54,120 protected satellite communications and 1071 00:42:54,120 --> 00:42:56,640 precision navigation and timing , all 1072 00:42:56,640 --> 00:42:58,862 of which are critical capabilities that 1073 00:42:58,862 --> 00:43:00,696 the joint force needs to operate 1074 00:43:00,696 --> 00:43:02,918 effectively . It would slow our ability 1075 00:43:02,918 --> 00:43:05,084 to manage risk and inform future force 1076 00:43:05,084 --> 00:43:06,973 designs , delaying our ability to 1077 00:43:06,973 --> 00:43:08,910 modernize too resilient and more 1078 00:43:08,910 --> 00:43:11,100 mission capable architectures in the 1079 00:43:11,100 --> 00:43:13,400 face of growing threats . It would cut 1080 00:43:13,400 --> 00:43:16,230 the procurement of two of five planned 1081 00:43:16,250 --> 00:43:18,583 national security space launch missiles , 1082 00:43:18,583 --> 00:43:20,690 delaying our ability to place 1083 00:43:20,690 --> 00:43:23,010 previously acquired capability on orbit 1084 00:43:23,120 --> 00:43:25,530 and putting at risk the cost savings of 1085 00:43:25,530 --> 00:43:28,970 the National space launch program . It 1086 00:43:28,970 --> 00:43:31,026 would cut , excuse me , it would cut 1087 00:43:31,026 --> 00:43:33,248 800 million intended for development of 1088 00:43:33,248 --> 00:43:35,710 classified operational systems designed 1089 00:43:35,710 --> 00:43:39,310 to deter china and Russia and respond 1090 00:43:39,320 --> 00:43:41,500 if deterrence fails and I can fully 1091 00:43:41,500 --> 00:43:43,722 describe these capabilities in a closed 1092 00:43:43,722 --> 00:43:46,520 session . And lastly most important , 1093 00:43:47,300 --> 00:43:49,550 it would break trust with our guardians 1094 00:43:49,550 --> 00:43:51,710 and their families because we were 1095 00:43:51,710 --> 00:43:53,960 established as a lean mission focus 1096 00:43:53,960 --> 00:43:56,710 force , we continue to rely on the Air 1097 00:43:56,710 --> 00:43:58,821 Force's Airman and family programs to 1098 00:43:58,821 --> 00:44:01,060 support our guardians . General Brown 1099 00:44:01,060 --> 00:44:03,250 will describe negative impacts to pay 1100 00:44:03,260 --> 00:44:06,080 recruiting retention airman programs , 1101 00:44:06,090 --> 00:44:08,880 all of which would have long term 1102 00:44:08,890 --> 00:44:11,800 lasting effects on our guardians and 1103 00:44:11,800 --> 00:44:14,380 their families as well . The continuing 1104 00:44:14,380 --> 00:44:16,380 resolution will adapt , undoubtedly 1105 00:44:16,380 --> 00:44:18,213 have negative impacts across the 1106 00:44:18,213 --> 00:44:20,324 entirety of the joint force . But the 1107 00:44:20,324 --> 00:44:22,047 effects of the Space Force are 1108 00:44:22,047 --> 00:44:25,040 particularly acute as we stand up . It 1109 00:44:25,040 --> 00:44:27,310 would seriously compromise our ability 1110 00:44:27,310 --> 00:44:29,032 to enhance unity of effort and 1111 00:44:29,032 --> 00:44:31,190 efficiency , generate mission ready 1112 00:44:31,190 --> 00:44:33,760 forces and deliver the new capabilities 1113 00:44:33,760 --> 00:44:36,070 that Joint force needs to deter and 1114 00:44:36,070 --> 00:44:37,681 prevail . Thank you for this 1115 00:44:37,681 --> 00:44:39,570 opportunity to testify and I look 1116 00:44:39,570 --> 00:44:41,681 forward to your questions . Thank you 1117 00:44:41,681 --> 00:44:43,903 very much . We will now turn to General 1118 00:44:43,903 --> 00:44:47,790 Brown . General Brown please chuck 1119 00:44:47,800 --> 00:44:49,800 McCullough , ranking member calvert 1120 00:44:49,800 --> 00:44:51,633 chair to laurel , ranking member 1121 00:44:51,633 --> 00:44:53,689 granger and distinguished members of 1122 00:44:53,689 --> 00:44:55,744 the subcommittee . Thank you for the 1123 00:44:55,744 --> 00:44:57,800 opportunity to testify for Mr McCord 1124 00:44:57,800 --> 00:44:59,800 and my fellow service chiefs and to 1125 00:44:59,800 --> 00:45:01,967 testify on behalf of the 689,000 Total 1126 00:45:01,967 --> 00:45:04,022 Force Chairman of your United States 1127 00:45:04,022 --> 00:45:06,630 Air Force As the nation's 22nd Air 1128 00:45:06,630 --> 00:45:08,970 Force chief of staff , I am humbled to 1129 00:45:08,970 --> 00:45:11,137 uphold my responsibility to ensure our 1130 00:45:11,137 --> 00:45:13,137 airmen and our air force remain the 1131 00:45:13,137 --> 00:45:15,192 greatest in the world of the day and 1132 00:45:15,192 --> 00:45:17,630 tomorrow . So I've seen my position I 1133 00:45:17,640 --> 00:45:19,790 wrote accelerate change or lose Over 1134 00:45:19,790 --> 00:45:22,600 the last 17 months . Made collaboration 1135 00:45:22,600 --> 00:45:26,100 and priority two enable acceleration 1136 00:45:26,990 --> 00:45:29,640 Fact since August 2020 , I've engaged 1137 00:45:29,640 --> 00:45:32,080 with Congress Members and staffers 1138 00:45:32,080 --> 00:45:34,191 nearly 200 times because I believe we 1139 00:45:34,191 --> 00:45:37,050 must work together on our Air Force Air 1140 00:45:37,050 --> 00:45:39,383 forces feature in our nation's security . 1141 00:45:39,990 --> 00:45:42,440 I am pleased that fiscal year 2022 1142 00:45:42,440 --> 00:45:44,662 National Defense Authorization Act made 1143 00:45:44,662 --> 00:45:47,130 significant progress . But as you 1144 00:45:47,130 --> 00:45:49,297 understand the goals of this important 1145 00:45:49,297 --> 00:45:51,463 policy will be unrealized , absent the 1146 00:45:51,463 --> 00:45:53,686 dedicated service of this committee and 1147 00:45:53,686 --> 00:45:55,352 their counterparts to pass an 1148 00:45:55,352 --> 00:45:57,408 appropriation bill . Unfortunately , 1149 00:45:57,408 --> 00:45:59,408 that your long continued resolution 1150 00:45:59,408 --> 00:46:01,463 would stall progress towards today's 1151 00:46:01,463 --> 00:46:03,741 readiness and tomorrow's modernization . 1152 00:46:03,741 --> 00:46:05,686 Bottom line would have devastating 1153 00:46:05,686 --> 00:46:07,797 impacts on the Air Force's ability to 1154 00:46:07,797 --> 00:46:09,852 retain quality airman , maintain our 1155 00:46:09,852 --> 00:46:12,019 readiness and modernize for tomorrow . 1156 00:46:12,019 --> 00:46:14,410 Specifically we would lose $3.5 billion 1157 00:46:14,410 --> 00:46:18,290 2021 budget 1158 00:46:18,290 --> 00:46:21,020 levels as much as as this affects the 1159 00:46:21,020 --> 00:46:23,076 Air Force physically , the impact it 1160 00:46:23,076 --> 00:46:24,909 has on our way to change is more 1161 00:46:24,909 --> 00:46:27,610 shattering . Time is irrecoverable and 1162 00:46:27,610 --> 00:46:29,443 when you're working to keep pace 1163 00:46:29,443 --> 00:46:31,388 against well resourced and focused 1164 00:46:31,388 --> 00:46:34,330 competitors , Time matters . Year long 1165 00:46:34,340 --> 00:46:36,451 continued resolution would hinder our 1166 00:46:36,451 --> 00:46:38,340 Airmen's readiness resilience and 1167 00:46:38,340 --> 00:46:41,450 retention . It held a fiscal year 2021 . 1168 00:46:41,510 --> 00:46:43,343 Funding the Air Force's military 1169 00:46:43,343 --> 00:46:45,454 personnel account could lose up to $1 1170 00:46:45,454 --> 00:46:47,930 billion . Critical annual professional 1171 00:46:47,930 --> 00:46:50,041 military training for a Grand Reserve 1172 00:46:50,041 --> 00:46:52,097 Regiment will be curtailed or cancel 1173 00:46:52,580 --> 00:46:54,636 bottle funding for imminent guardian 1174 00:46:54,636 --> 00:46:56,747 programs , programs addressing sexual 1175 00:46:56,747 --> 00:46:58,580 assault and harassment , suicide 1176 00:46:58,580 --> 00:47:00,960 prevention diversity inclusion , but 1177 00:47:00,960 --> 00:47:03,127 also be eliminated at a time when they 1178 00:47:03,127 --> 00:47:05,182 are most needed . Additionally , you 1179 00:47:05,182 --> 00:47:07,182 can eliminate central incentive and 1180 00:47:07,182 --> 00:47:09,238 retention bonuses , eroding airman's 1181 00:47:09,238 --> 00:47:11,016 trust across current and future 1182 00:47:11,016 --> 00:47:13,016 eligible year groups . You're on cr 1183 00:47:13,016 --> 00:47:15,238 good force reductions in our flying our 1184 00:47:15,238 --> 00:47:16,849 program , weapons instance , 1185 00:47:16,849 --> 00:47:18,460 sustainment and facilities , 1186 00:47:18,460 --> 00:47:20,016 sustainment restoration and 1187 00:47:20,016 --> 00:47:22,127 modernization accounts . You can also 1188 00:47:22,127 --> 00:47:24,016 slow down and or freeze hiring of 1189 00:47:24,016 --> 00:47:26,016 civilians , all impacting Air Force 1190 00:47:26,016 --> 00:47:28,320 capability , capacity and readiness . 1191 00:47:29,280 --> 00:47:31,447 You launch your can impact billions of 1192 00:47:31,447 --> 00:47:33,220 dollars in worldwide military 1193 00:47:33,220 --> 00:47:36,130 construction , 78 new start programs 1194 00:47:36,130 --> 00:47:38,600 for active guard reserve components for 1195 00:47:38,600 --> 00:47:40,520 programs such as the ground based 1196 00:47:40,520 --> 00:47:44,130 strategic deterrent B 21 A C 46 F 1197 00:47:44,130 --> 00:47:48,090 35 F 16 and C 1 30 . Whether it will 1198 00:47:48,090 --> 00:47:50,257 affect vital mission growth at the air 1199 00:47:50,257 --> 00:47:51,757 force bases in four states 1200 00:47:51,757 --> 00:47:53,757 International Guard Location Across 1201 00:47:53,757 --> 00:47:56,010 nine States . Four areas of 1202 00:47:56,010 --> 00:47:58,121 modernization I want to highlight are 1203 00:47:58,121 --> 00:48:00,343 the nuclear enterprise advanced weapons 1204 00:48:00,343 --> 00:48:02,510 aerodynamics , platforms , enterprise 1205 00:48:02,520 --> 00:48:04,687 information technology and structure . 1206 00:48:05,270 --> 00:48:07,930 Yearlong cr could irreversibly delayed 1207 00:48:07,940 --> 00:48:10,051 ground-based strategic return initial 1208 00:48:10,051 --> 00:48:13,230 operating capability past 2029 long 1209 00:48:13,230 --> 00:48:15,286 range standoff weapon by over a year 1210 00:48:15,370 --> 00:48:16,981 And the conventional initial 1211 00:48:16,981 --> 00:48:18,926 operational capability and nuclear 1212 00:48:18,926 --> 00:48:21,259 certification of the B- 21 up to a year . 1213 00:48:22,070 --> 00:48:24,181 Additionally , the advancement of our 1214 00:48:24,181 --> 00:48:26,181 two conventional hypersonic weapons 1215 00:48:26,181 --> 00:48:28,237 could be prevented . I would like to 1216 00:48:28,237 --> 00:48:30,348 point out that our patient challenges 1217 00:48:30,348 --> 00:48:29,620 have either modernized or nuclear 1218 00:48:29,620 --> 00:48:32,100 enterprise and or are fielding 1219 00:48:32,110 --> 00:48:34,950 hypersonic systems . Meanwhile we are 1220 00:48:34,950 --> 00:48:37,172 still in the beginning phases of both . 1221 00:48:37,570 --> 00:48:39,737 Moreover , funding for next generation 1222 00:48:39,737 --> 00:48:41,681 air dominance are sixth generation 1223 00:48:41,681 --> 00:48:43,570 tactical aircraft system enabling 1224 00:48:43,570 --> 00:48:45,514 future security could be reduced . 1225 00:48:46,270 --> 00:48:48,880 Finally , vital funding to enterprise 1226 00:48:48,880 --> 00:48:50,936 information technology modernization 1227 00:48:50,936 --> 00:48:52,769 could be eliminated , increasing 1228 00:48:52,769 --> 00:48:54,991 network vulnerability and impacting our 1229 00:48:54,991 --> 00:48:56,824 contribution to joint all domain 1230 00:48:56,824 --> 00:48:58,880 command and control infrastructure . 1231 00:48:59,270 --> 00:49:01,460 Although young you're you're on cr 1232 00:49:01,460 --> 00:49:03,293 would decrease our funding . The 1233 00:49:03,293 --> 00:49:05,293 greater loss will be time time that 1234 00:49:05,293 --> 00:49:07,460 could uh we could have spent exploring 1235 00:49:07,460 --> 00:49:09,127 today's radius and tomorrow's 1236 00:49:09,127 --> 00:49:10,793 modernization . Meanwhile our 1237 00:49:10,793 --> 00:49:12,904 competitors rate of change is blaming 1238 00:49:12,904 --> 00:49:15,470 them to approach parity with many of 1239 00:49:15,470 --> 00:49:17,303 our warfighting capabilities and 1240 00:49:17,303 --> 00:49:19,920 concepts . Year long cr further erode 1241 00:49:19,920 --> 00:49:21,753 our advantage and impede the Air 1242 00:49:21,753 --> 00:49:23,920 Force's acceleration towards the force 1243 00:49:23,920 --> 00:49:25,698 of tomorrow . Thank you for the 1244 00:49:25,698 --> 00:49:27,864 opportunity to be with you today and I 1245 00:49:27,864 --> 00:49:30,031 look forward to your questions . Thank 1246 00:49:30,031 --> 00:49:32,142 you General and now we will hear from 1247 00:49:32,142 --> 00:49:34,580 General martin please sir . The time is 1248 00:49:34,580 --> 00:49:37,950 yours sure . Mccollum , 1249 00:49:39,070 --> 00:49:42,290 ranking member calvert chair DeLauro 1250 00:49:42,770 --> 00:49:44,640 and ranking member granger and 1251 00:49:44,640 --> 00:49:46,251 distinguished members of the 1252 00:49:46,251 --> 00:49:48,140 subcommittee on the behalf of the 1253 00:49:48,140 --> 00:49:50,362 secretary of the Army , the honorable , 1254 00:49:50,362 --> 00:49:52,473 Christine warm earth and the Chief of 1255 00:49:52,473 --> 00:49:54,362 staff of the army . General James 1256 00:49:54,362 --> 00:49:56,529 McConville . Thank you for inviting me 1257 00:49:56,529 --> 00:49:58,640 here today to testify and discuss the 1258 00:49:58,640 --> 00:50:00,862 impact of continuing resolutions on the 1259 00:50:00,862 --> 00:50:02,862 Department of the Army . And I also 1260 00:50:02,862 --> 00:50:04,696 want to especially thank you for 1261 00:50:04,696 --> 00:50:06,760 recognizing the service of General 1262 00:50:06,760 --> 00:50:10,760 Odierno is a huge loss . The army by 1263 00:50:10,760 --> 00:50:12,593 doctrine is the nation's initial 1264 00:50:12,593 --> 00:50:14,670 response force to emergent threats . 1265 00:50:14,830 --> 00:50:17,060 Last year , the army contributed over 1266 00:50:17,060 --> 00:50:19,880 50% of the joint forces provided to 1267 00:50:19,880 --> 00:50:23,300 combatant commanders And 66% of the 1268 00:50:23,300 --> 00:50:25,510 composite directed readiness tables , 1269 00:50:25,510 --> 00:50:27,288 supporting operational planning 1270 00:50:27,288 --> 00:50:30,050 requirements . This included responding 1271 00:50:30,050 --> 00:50:31,994 to and providing continued support 1272 00:50:31,994 --> 00:50:34,670 through the COVID-19 pandemic civil 1273 00:50:34,670 --> 00:50:37,190 unrest . Natural disasters supported 1274 00:50:37,190 --> 00:50:40,120 our southern border and the security of 1275 00:50:40,120 --> 00:50:43,460 the national capital . Total joint 1276 00:50:43,460 --> 00:50:46,340 emergent costs to the Fy 21 global 1277 00:50:46,340 --> 00:50:48,507 force management allocation plan worth 1278 00:50:48,507 --> 00:50:51,900 $2.8 billion of which the army 1279 00:50:51,900 --> 00:50:55,040 contributed $1.6 billion or 1280 00:50:55,040 --> 00:50:58,270 56% of the total emergent 1281 00:50:58,280 --> 00:51:01,290 costs . The army responded to these 1282 00:51:01,290 --> 00:51:03,190 unforeseen requirements all while 1283 00:51:03,190 --> 00:51:05,412 continuing to deter aggression abroad , 1284 00:51:05,412 --> 00:51:07,468 strengthen relationships with allies 1285 00:51:07,468 --> 00:51:09,650 and partners conduct counter terrorism 1286 00:51:09,650 --> 00:51:11,600 operations around the world and 1287 00:51:11,600 --> 00:51:14,100 maintain the readiness of our soldiers 1288 00:51:14,140 --> 00:51:16,160 and our D . A . C civilians in 1289 00:51:16,160 --> 00:51:18,250 preparation for the next mission . 1290 00:51:18,260 --> 00:51:21,590 Whatever that may be Simultanely to 1291 00:51:21,590 --> 00:51:23,201 keep pace with any potential 1292 00:51:23,201 --> 00:51:25,740 adversaries were currently undergoing 1293 00:51:25,740 --> 00:51:27,740 the most significant transformation 1294 00:51:27,740 --> 00:51:29,907 effort in the past 40 years to provide 1295 00:51:29,907 --> 00:51:32,018 the joint force with the most capable 1296 00:51:32,018 --> 00:51:35,510 and lethal land army in the world . The 1297 00:51:35,510 --> 00:51:37,732 ability of the army to accomplish these 1298 00:51:37,732 --> 00:51:39,677 diverse tests wouldn't be possible 1299 00:51:39,677 --> 00:51:41,843 without the support for Congress . And 1300 00:51:41,843 --> 00:51:43,732 we sincerely thank you for that . 1301 00:51:44,260 --> 00:51:46,750 However , readiness is fragile and I 1302 00:51:46,750 --> 00:51:48,917 can't emphasize enough how important , 1303 00:51:48,917 --> 00:51:52,250 timely , adequate , predictable and 1304 00:51:52,250 --> 00:51:54,250 sustained funding is to keeping the 1305 00:51:54,250 --> 00:51:56,417 army at the highest state of readiness 1306 00:51:56,417 --> 00:51:58,750 possible because who knows what 1307 00:51:58,750 --> 00:52:01,360 tomorrow will bring Over the past 10 1308 00:52:01,360 --> 00:52:03,471 years . The Department of Defense has 1309 00:52:03,471 --> 00:52:05,693 started all but one fiscal year under a 1310 00:52:05,693 --> 00:52:07,582 cr . Although we have adapted our 1311 00:52:07,582 --> 00:52:09,749 business practices to maneuver through 1312 00:52:09,749 --> 00:52:11,971 this fiscal uncertainty and the effects 1313 00:52:11,971 --> 00:52:14,430 of the short duration Crs A four year 1314 00:52:14,430 --> 00:52:17,530 CR would adversely affect our soldiers , 1315 00:52:17,540 --> 00:52:20,860 our soldiers , our readiness , our 1316 00:52:20,860 --> 00:52:23,240 modernization program in our 1317 00:52:23,240 --> 00:52:25,300 infrastructure improvement efforts . 1318 00:52:26,030 --> 00:52:28,560 Monetarily we assess the total impact 1319 00:52:28,560 --> 00:52:30,671 of the army under a yearlong cr could 1320 00:52:30,671 --> 00:52:34,230 be as high as $12.9 billion . The 1321 00:52:34,230 --> 00:52:36,397 impact is even larger when considering 1322 00:52:36,397 --> 00:52:39,070 the effects of the effects of inflation 1323 00:52:40,350 --> 00:52:42,820 included in this number are misaligned 1324 00:52:42,820 --> 00:52:45,850 funds as well as funding funding spread 1325 00:52:45,850 --> 00:52:48,570 across military pay , research and 1326 00:52:48,570 --> 00:52:50,780 acquisition programs , military 1327 00:52:50,780 --> 00:52:52,613 construction projects and family 1328 00:52:52,613 --> 00:52:55,150 housing initiatives . A few impacts to 1329 00:52:55,150 --> 00:52:57,540 readiness include pilot readiness due 1330 00:52:57,540 --> 00:53:00,870 to reduced aviation flying hours . Also 1331 00:53:00,870 --> 00:53:03,490 to base operations support and a 1332 00:53:03,490 --> 00:53:05,630 decreased ability to send soldiers to 1333 00:53:05,630 --> 00:53:08,200 professional military education and 1334 00:53:08,200 --> 00:53:10,960 properly maintain proficiency in our 1335 00:53:10,960 --> 00:53:14,820 formations and maintain the readiness 1336 00:53:14,830 --> 00:53:18,150 of the equipment that they use a full 1337 00:53:18,150 --> 00:53:20,039 year CR would severely impact our 1338 00:53:20,039 --> 00:53:22,261 ability to modernize to meet tomorrow's 1339 00:53:22,261 --> 00:53:24,920 challenges . The combined effect of 1340 00:53:24,920 --> 00:53:26,920 delays in procurement and prototype 1341 00:53:26,920 --> 00:53:29,087 advancement on top of a disruption and 1342 00:53:29,087 --> 00:53:31,190 timelines for development in 1343 00:53:31,190 --> 00:53:33,412 construction of critical army and joint 1344 00:53:33,412 --> 00:53:36,590 technologies may very well create a 1345 00:53:36,590 --> 00:53:38,930 cumulative impact to our modernization 1346 00:53:39,010 --> 00:53:41,840 initiatives that would be difficult to 1347 00:53:41,840 --> 00:53:44,920 overcome . This includes potential 1348 00:53:44,920 --> 00:53:46,753 impacts the modernization of our 1349 00:53:46,753 --> 00:53:49,690 organic industrial base . In summary , 1350 00:53:49,700 --> 00:53:51,533 A yearlong CR would cause severe 1351 00:53:51,533 --> 00:53:53,644 impacts to the army's ability to care 1352 00:53:53,644 --> 00:53:56,520 for our soldiers and our families , to 1353 00:53:56,520 --> 00:53:58,780 our readiness and capability to respond 1354 00:53:58,780 --> 00:54:00,836 to emerging operational requirements 1355 00:54:01,340 --> 00:54:03,062 and to our ability to make the 1356 00:54:03,062 --> 00:54:05,530 necessary funding decisions required to 1357 00:54:05,530 --> 00:54:08,940 modernize our force . The army strongly 1358 00:54:08,940 --> 00:54:12,060 urges Congress to pass all fy 22 1359 00:54:12,060 --> 00:54:14,460 appropriation bills to avoid the 1360 00:54:14,460 --> 00:54:17,700 complex and undesirable effects of a 1361 00:54:17,700 --> 00:54:20,620 yearlong cr Again , thank you for 1362 00:54:20,620 --> 00:54:22,787 allowing me the opportunity to testify 1363 00:54:22,787 --> 00:54:24,953 before you today and I look forward to 1364 00:54:24,953 --> 00:54:27,180 answer your questions . Thank you so 1365 00:54:27,180 --> 00:54:29,990 much . General martin and thank you for 1366 00:54:30,000 --> 00:54:32,940 for stepping in . Um , once again , I 1367 00:54:32,940 --> 00:54:34,890 just want to reiterate , I truly 1368 00:54:34,890 --> 00:54:37,970 believe it is the wish the desire 1369 00:54:38,340 --> 00:54:41,940 the the commitment from our entire 1370 00:54:41,940 --> 00:54:44,450 committee both sides of the aisle not 1371 00:54:44,450 --> 00:54:46,660 to have a yearlong cr and to get our 1372 00:54:46,660 --> 00:54:49,900 job done before we turn to other member 1373 00:54:49,900 --> 00:54:51,956 questions . I want to enter into the 1374 00:54:51,956 --> 00:54:53,956 record secretary Austin's statement 1375 00:54:53,956 --> 00:54:56,122 from december as well as a letter from 1376 00:54:56,122 --> 00:54:58,090 several defense trade groups , a 1377 00:54:58,090 --> 00:55:00,201 statement from the Aerospace Industry 1378 00:55:00,201 --> 00:55:01,979 Association , a letter from the 1379 00:55:01,979 --> 00:55:04,500 National Defense Industrial Association 1380 00:55:04,510 --> 00:55:08,200 on the harmful impacts a full year C . 1381 00:55:08,210 --> 00:55:11,050 R . Would have on our national security . 1382 00:55:11,440 --> 00:55:14,200 So without objection those letters will 1383 00:55:14,200 --> 00:55:16,144 be entered . Now I'm gonna turn to 1384 00:55:16,144 --> 00:55:19,530 questions and um as has been the custom 1385 00:55:19,530 --> 00:55:22,310 and usage um the ranking member and I 1386 00:55:22,310 --> 00:55:24,532 sometimes go a little over five minutes 1387 00:55:24,532 --> 00:55:27,450 so we haven't had a timer on but I do 1388 00:55:27,450 --> 00:55:30,800 have the timer running on my uh my 1389 00:55:30,800 --> 00:55:34,740 iphone . So I don't uh abuse of the 1390 00:55:34,750 --> 00:55:36,970 opportunity that our other community 1391 00:55:36,970 --> 00:55:39,840 members have given . Um mr calvert and 1392 00:55:39,840 --> 00:55:42,190 I and I'm going to extend that same 1393 00:55:42,190 --> 00:55:45,530 courtesy to um the full committee chair 1394 00:55:45,540 --> 00:55:47,960 and to um the full committee ranking 1395 00:55:47,970 --> 00:55:50,590 member when we start with questions . 1396 00:55:50,590 --> 00:55:54,500 So I'm going to start first . And uh 1397 00:55:54,510 --> 00:55:56,590 the top line of a full cr would 1398 00:55:56,590 --> 00:55:58,720 technically stay the same as has been 1399 00:55:58,720 --> 00:56:00,920 pointed out but things like pay raises 1400 00:56:00,920 --> 00:56:03,820 and inflation As long with funds that 1401 00:56:03,820 --> 00:56:06,480 simply could not be spent in 2022 . 1402 00:56:06,480 --> 00:56:09,600 Such as $3 billion Afghan security 1403 00:56:09,600 --> 00:56:11,767 forces . Mean that d . o . d . and the 1404 00:56:11,767 --> 00:56:13,378 services would actually face 1405 00:56:13,378 --> 00:56:15,350 substantial cuts from 1406 00:56:15,930 --> 00:56:19,390 Uh 2021-2022 . 1407 00:56:19,400 --> 00:56:21,511 And you've had that in your testimony 1408 00:56:21,511 --> 00:56:23,511 but I just want to reiterate it . A 1409 00:56:23,511 --> 00:56:26,090 full year long cr is a cut and none of 1410 00:56:26,090 --> 00:56:28,860 us on this subcommittee want that to 1411 00:56:28,860 --> 00:56:30,960 happen in such a callous way . 1412 00:56:31,630 --> 00:56:33,630 Additionally , the department would 1413 00:56:33,630 --> 00:56:35,852 lose out on a substantial increase that 1414 00:56:35,852 --> 00:56:37,797 would be negotiated by a full year 1415 00:56:37,797 --> 00:56:40,480 omnibus bill . And I believe we would 1416 00:56:40,480 --> 00:56:42,647 have a bill that we would all be proud 1417 00:56:42,647 --> 00:56:44,813 of and would serve the service as well 1418 00:56:44,813 --> 00:56:46,813 under Secretary McCord . Or I would 1419 00:56:46,813 --> 00:56:48,924 like to ask you , does the department 1420 00:56:48,924 --> 00:56:51,036 have an estimate as to how much funny 1421 00:56:51,036 --> 00:56:53,202 would essentially be lost under a full 1422 00:56:53,202 --> 00:56:55,424 year Cr due to cost increases and funds 1423 00:56:55,424 --> 00:56:56,869 that would not be spent . 1424 00:57:00,430 --> 00:57:03,950 Okay . We would estimate that the 1425 00:57:03,950 --> 00:57:06,380 lost purchasing power is more on the 1426 00:57:06,380 --> 00:57:09,760 order of triple the a billion dollars 1427 00:57:10,230 --> 00:57:12,970 account level . Only for the reasons 1428 00:57:12,970 --> 00:57:15,303 that you cite the military construction , 1429 00:57:15,303 --> 00:57:17,470 the Afghanistan other other funds that 1430 00:57:17,470 --> 00:57:19,470 some of the other witnesses have to 1431 00:57:19,470 --> 00:57:21,581 have included in their testimony that 1432 00:57:21,581 --> 00:57:23,692 that are estimated to be misaligned . 1433 00:57:23,692 --> 00:57:25,803 It is very difficult to get a precise 1434 00:57:25,803 --> 00:57:25,520 number because you have to go down to a 1435 00:57:25,520 --> 00:57:27,910 program level all across the department 1436 00:57:27,960 --> 00:57:31,910 but at the , at the More 1437 00:57:31,910 --> 00:57:33,910 general level , about triple the $8 1438 00:57:33,910 --> 00:57:37,330 billion dollars thank you Generals and 1439 00:57:37,330 --> 00:57:39,052 admirals . And in some of your 1440 00:57:39,052 --> 00:57:42,040 testimony , you mentioned how this 1441 00:57:42,040 --> 00:57:45,390 would uh really affect modernization 1442 00:57:45,560 --> 00:57:47,671 and our capabilities vis a vis Russia 1443 00:57:47,671 --> 00:57:50,150 and China as well as our inability to 1444 00:57:50,150 --> 00:57:52,372 reduce funding for weapons systems that 1445 00:57:52,372 --> 00:57:54,539 you would prefer to ramp down spending 1446 00:57:54,539 --> 00:57:58,000 on 2022 . Would any of you like to take 1447 00:57:58,010 --> 00:58:01,000 another minute to either re emphasize 1448 00:58:01,010 --> 00:58:02,954 or add to your testimony on that ? 1449 00:58:08,720 --> 00:58:10,720 This is General martin , Vice Chief 1450 00:58:10,720 --> 00:58:12,776 Staff of the Army . I'll be happy to 1451 00:58:13,220 --> 00:58:17,200 placer specifically as it pertains to 1452 00:58:17,200 --> 00:58:19,520 modernization . A yearlong cr would 1453 00:58:19,520 --> 00:58:21,742 delay modernization to counter Russia , 1454 00:58:21,742 --> 00:58:23,853 china , persistent threats and impact 1455 00:58:23,853 --> 00:58:25,780 our industry partners and delay 1456 00:58:25,780 --> 00:58:28,430 modernizing our industrial facilities . 1457 00:58:28,440 --> 00:58:30,551 There's there's there's 2nd 3rd order 1458 00:58:30,551 --> 00:58:32,496 effects when you talk about supply 1459 00:58:32,496 --> 00:58:34,551 chains and everything else . But for 1460 00:58:34,551 --> 00:58:36,710 new starts We have 71 programs that 1461 00:58:36,710 --> 00:58:39,680 will be affected by a yearlong cr for 1462 00:58:39,680 --> 00:58:42,780 procurement delays . We have 29 And 1463 00:58:42,780 --> 00:58:44,780 then developmental days procurement 1464 00:58:44,780 --> 00:58:46,891 delays , those are equipped equipment 1465 00:58:46,891 --> 00:58:48,891 that we planned on procuring uh and 1466 00:58:48,891 --> 00:58:50,947 then developmental delays . Research 1467 00:58:50,947 --> 00:58:53,058 and development activities associated 1468 00:58:53,058 --> 00:58:55,113 with programs . There's 32 of them . 1469 00:58:55,113 --> 00:58:57,510 Additionally , there's an impact to the 1470 00:58:57,510 --> 00:58:59,840 army owned industrial facilities where 1471 00:58:59,850 --> 00:59:01,890 we had planned on modernizing our 1472 00:59:01,890 --> 00:59:04,410 organic industrial basis part of a 15 1473 00:59:04,410 --> 00:59:07,860 year plan . Uh And those activities for 1474 00:59:07,860 --> 00:59:10,650 this year would not be able to happen 1475 00:59:10,720 --> 00:59:12,831 and would subsequently be delayed and 1476 00:59:12,831 --> 00:59:14,998 so that would be deferred work . But I 1477 00:59:14,998 --> 00:59:16,942 tell you it's a compounding effect 1478 00:59:16,942 --> 00:59:20,440 because chair , we also would have to 1479 00:59:20,450 --> 00:59:23,180 uh next year Reprioritize those 1480 00:59:23,180 --> 00:59:25,347 projects , which means that they could 1481 00:59:25,347 --> 00:59:27,458 potentially bump another project . So 1482 00:59:27,458 --> 00:59:29,402 it's almost a double effect on the 1483 00:59:29,402 --> 00:59:31,624 industrial base . And for that matter , 1484 00:59:31,624 --> 00:59:33,736 all those programs that I described . 1485 00:59:33,736 --> 00:59:35,958 Thank you . Thank you . Is there anyone 1486 00:59:35,958 --> 00:59:37,902 else who briefly would like to add 1487 00:59:37,902 --> 00:59:37,790 something ? We do have your full 1488 00:59:37,790 --> 00:59:39,901 testimony or you can submit something 1489 00:59:39,901 --> 00:59:42,240 for the record ? Later . Chairman 1490 00:59:42,240 --> 00:59:44,950 commandant General Brown . Um we have 1491 00:59:44,950 --> 00:59:47,172 78 new starts for the Air Force , but I 1492 00:59:47,172 --> 00:59:49,228 would highlight particularly nuclear 1493 00:59:49,228 --> 00:59:51,394 portfolio , each of the key aspects to 1494 00:59:51,394 --> 00:59:55,000 G . B . S . D . L . R . So um B 1495 00:59:55,010 --> 00:59:58,290 21 will be delayed anywhere from a year 1496 00:59:58,300 --> 01:00:00,930 up to 24 months . I would also add our 1497 01:00:00,930 --> 01:00:03,152 next generation of balance with delayed 1498 01:00:03,152 --> 01:00:05,319 by about two years , but also impacted 1499 01:00:05,319 --> 01:00:08,960 35 by a year . And so it's uh it has a 1500 01:00:08,970 --> 01:00:11,192 compounding impact just as General Mark 1501 01:00:11,192 --> 01:00:13,303 described , not just to us , but also 1502 01:00:13,303 --> 01:00:14,970 when you think about what our 1503 01:00:14,970 --> 01:00:16,859 adversaries doing and how they're 1504 01:00:16,859 --> 01:00:18,859 pacing out , it's important that we 1505 01:00:18,859 --> 01:00:22,570 stay on track . Thank you . Um and as 1506 01:00:22,580 --> 01:00:25,270 mr McCord pointed out all these delays , 1507 01:00:25,270 --> 01:00:28,730 land up , making things cost more 1508 01:00:29,110 --> 01:00:31,040 and it's an inefficient use of 1509 01:00:31,040 --> 01:00:35,010 taxpayers dollars . Um I'm going to um 1510 01:00:35,020 --> 01:00:37,390 move on to the president's pay proposal , 1511 01:00:37,400 --> 01:00:41,120 the 2.7% for all military personnel 1512 01:00:41,120 --> 01:00:43,430 that went into effect on January one . 1513 01:00:43,810 --> 01:00:46,490 The cost of the pay increase across the 1514 01:00:46,490 --> 01:00:50,230 services is more than $2 billion 2022 . 1515 01:00:50,810 --> 01:00:53,570 And the military pay raises and uh is 1516 01:00:53,580 --> 01:00:55,691 automatically went into effect at the 1517 01:00:55,691 --> 01:00:57,858 start of the calendar year . But under 1518 01:00:57,858 --> 01:00:59,858 a full continuing resolution is not 1519 01:00:59,858 --> 01:01:02,024 budgeted for . But for the record . Um 1520 01:01:02,024 --> 01:01:04,250 both both both democrats and 1521 01:01:04,250 --> 01:01:07,130 republicans on this subcommittee fully 1522 01:01:07,130 --> 01:01:10,330 support . And we have in um in my bill , 1523 01:01:10,410 --> 01:01:14,250 ah the cost uh covered for 1524 01:01:14,250 --> 01:01:17,830 the bill for the pay raise . 1525 01:01:17,840 --> 01:01:21,050 Um could you speak briefly to 1526 01:01:21,060 --> 01:01:24,900 what the military uh pay raise by by 1527 01:01:24,900 --> 01:01:27,750 doing that how that's going to really 1528 01:01:27,750 --> 01:01:30,030 impact you under a full year ? Because 1529 01:01:30,030 --> 01:01:32,030 not only some of you mentioned that 1530 01:01:32,030 --> 01:01:34,086 they're going to get the raise , but 1531 01:01:34,086 --> 01:01:36,308 the other things that go along with the 1532 01:01:36,308 --> 01:01:38,530 job that they're looking forward to are 1533 01:01:38,530 --> 01:01:40,641 going to be delayed because of the cr 1534 01:01:40,641 --> 01:01:42,630 and how that would affect um 1535 01:01:43,710 --> 01:01:46,030 recruitment and retention , which as 1536 01:01:46,030 --> 01:01:48,086 was pointed out by general burger is 1537 01:01:48,086 --> 01:01:50,520 very important to an all voluntary army 1538 01:01:53,310 --> 01:01:55,143 chair . Let me just make a brief 1539 01:01:55,143 --> 01:01:57,366 comment that because of this problem is 1540 01:01:57,366 --> 01:01:59,588 pretty consistent across the services . 1541 01:01:59,588 --> 01:02:01,588 Before I ask them to comment in any 1542 01:02:01,588 --> 01:02:03,699 other detail . Exactly as you state , 1543 01:02:03,699 --> 01:02:05,990 the the by definition under a cr , the 1544 01:02:05,990 --> 01:02:08,046 amount and the personnel accounts is 1545 01:02:08,046 --> 01:02:10,300 flat and so the pay raise costs have to 1546 01:02:10,300 --> 01:02:12,560 be absorbed . The accounts themselves 1547 01:02:12,560 --> 01:02:15,620 are are flexible , but that doesn't 1548 01:02:15,620 --> 01:02:17,731 mean that we have good choices within 1549 01:02:17,731 --> 01:02:19,898 that flexibility . We're going to have 1550 01:02:19,898 --> 01:02:21,842 to look at accessions as have been 1551 01:02:21,842 --> 01:02:24,009 mentioned and Pcs moves for our troops 1552 01:02:24,009 --> 01:02:25,787 is probably the first and least 1553 01:02:25,787 --> 01:02:27,787 disruptive things we could do . And 1554 01:02:27,787 --> 01:02:30,064 then some of the chiefs have mentioned . 1555 01:02:30,064 --> 01:02:29,630 There's other things that might be the 1556 01:02:29,630 --> 01:02:31,852 next things that we have to do that are 1557 01:02:31,852 --> 01:02:34,470 more distasteful the the bonuses . But 1558 01:02:34,470 --> 01:02:36,692 again , within a flat account , we have 1559 01:02:36,692 --> 01:02:38,581 to do something within within the 1560 01:02:38,581 --> 01:02:40,692 personal accounts to absorb costs and 1561 01:02:40,692 --> 01:02:42,803 and find some other way to save money 1562 01:02:42,803 --> 01:02:44,526 and that's going to have to be 1563 01:02:44,526 --> 01:02:46,637 impacting our troops in another way . 1564 01:02:46,700 --> 01:02:48,900 Thank you . If any of you other 1565 01:02:48,900 --> 01:02:51,011 gentlemen would like to add something 1566 01:02:51,011 --> 01:02:53,820 that's fine . Other than that , Yes , 1567 01:02:54,360 --> 01:02:57,450 did somebody wish to be recognized ? Um 1568 01:02:57,460 --> 01:02:59,349 Chairman column ? This is General 1569 01:02:59,349 --> 01:03:03,120 Raymond . Raymond and one of the one of 1570 01:03:03,120 --> 01:03:05,730 the biggest benefits that we realized 1571 01:03:06,300 --> 01:03:08,411 after establishing the space force is 1572 01:03:08,411 --> 01:03:10,300 our ability to attract incredible 1573 01:03:10,300 --> 01:03:12,578 talent . This town is highly technical , 1574 01:03:12,700 --> 01:03:15,020 it's highly educated and it's shot 1575 01:03:15,020 --> 01:03:18,350 after and they have other options . And 1576 01:03:18,350 --> 01:03:20,770 if we enter into this delay and have to 1577 01:03:20,780 --> 01:03:23,310 do to reduce the sessions and put 1578 01:03:23,310 --> 01:03:25,532 hiring freezes in place to help pay for 1579 01:03:25,532 --> 01:03:29,080 the much needed and 1580 01:03:29,090 --> 01:03:31,260 deserved pay raise , they're going to 1581 01:03:31,260 --> 01:03:33,371 go to other places and that those are 1582 01:03:33,371 --> 01:03:35,538 people that we will not be able to get 1583 01:03:35,538 --> 01:03:37,760 back . So to do that , we're gonna have 1584 01:03:37,760 --> 01:03:37,620 to come up with ways is to just discuss 1585 01:03:38,000 --> 01:03:39,889 putting hiring freezes in place , 1586 01:03:39,889 --> 01:03:41,833 potentially reducing assessments , 1587 01:03:41,833 --> 01:03:44,120 cutting Pcs travel . It's gonna impact 1588 01:03:44,120 --> 01:03:46,360 not just the guardians , but also their 1589 01:03:46,360 --> 01:03:49,800 families . Thank you . Thank you . And 1590 01:03:49,800 --> 01:03:52,670 I think you all did a great job of of 1591 01:03:52,680 --> 01:03:55,840 mentioning that with that . I am going 1592 01:03:55,840 --> 01:03:59,340 to uh turn it over to um ranking member 1593 01:03:59,340 --> 01:04:02,240 calvert with the notion that I had , I 1594 01:04:02,240 --> 01:04:06,120 was six minutes and uh well I'm gonna 1595 01:04:06,120 --> 01:04:08,342 round up I was about seven minutes . So 1596 01:04:08,342 --> 01:04:10,610 that that's going to be the max for um 1597 01:04:10,890 --> 01:04:13,780 For the next three speak questionnaires . 1598 01:04:13,850 --> 01:04:16,520 Mr Calvert . Thank you madam chair . 1599 01:04:16,520 --> 01:04:18,690 And for the record , I'd like to say 1600 01:04:18,690 --> 01:04:20,523 that B . C . A . Was certainly a 1601 01:04:20,523 --> 01:04:22,801 disaster for the Department of Defense . 1602 01:04:22,801 --> 01:04:25,170 And to no one wants to see R . I know 1603 01:04:25,170 --> 01:04:28,290 you don't I don't most responsible 1604 01:04:28,290 --> 01:04:31,320 people don't And we all want to get 1605 01:04:31,320 --> 01:04:33,380 this done by February 18 . I think 1606 01:04:33,380 --> 01:04:35,480 that's uh I think that at the very 1607 01:04:35,490 --> 01:04:38,220 latest we need to get this done . So 1608 01:04:38,590 --> 01:04:40,812 I'm gonna emphasize again , let's strip 1609 01:04:40,812 --> 01:04:42,757 these poison pills , let's put the 1610 01:04:42,757 --> 01:04:44,812 legacy riders back in and let's just 1611 01:04:44,812 --> 01:04:46,701 talk about numbers higher defense 1612 01:04:46,701 --> 01:04:48,868 number lower non defense discretionary 1613 01:04:48,868 --> 01:04:51,090 account . Let me define pay raise as we 1614 01:04:51,090 --> 01:04:53,090 talk about that . Obviously the pay 1615 01:04:53,090 --> 01:04:55,700 raise that we're anticipating is really 1616 01:04:55,700 --> 01:04:57,700 a down payment on inflation because 1617 01:04:57,700 --> 01:04:59,811 let's , let's , Let's face it , we're 1618 01:04:59,811 --> 01:05:01,978 not keeping pace with inflation with a 1619 01:05:01,978 --> 01:05:04,200 7% inflation rate and rising . We may 1620 01:05:04,200 --> 01:05:07,130 end up with 8-10% inflation in the next 1621 01:05:07,140 --> 01:05:09,084 in the next year according to some 1622 01:05:09,084 --> 01:05:11,890 economists . Um So let me get to what's 1623 01:05:11,890 --> 01:05:14,168 happening to the home defense spending . 1624 01:05:14,168 --> 01:05:17,040 It's no secret this hearing is is 1625 01:05:17,050 --> 01:05:19,350 obviously an unclassified level . It's 1626 01:05:19,360 --> 01:05:21,620 broadcast on the internet . There's no 1627 01:05:21,620 --> 01:05:24,000 doubt that our enemies are watching at 1628 01:05:24,000 --> 01:05:27,030 the present time . While we are frozen 1629 01:05:27,030 --> 01:05:29,070 unable to properly provide for our 1630 01:05:29,070 --> 01:05:31,520 nation's defense . Our adversaries are 1631 01:05:31,520 --> 01:05:34,020 planning to react accordingly . Admiral 1632 01:05:34,020 --> 01:05:36,440 Gilda . Please give this committee your 1633 01:05:36,440 --> 01:05:39,390 assessment a probable chinese activity 1634 01:05:39,390 --> 01:05:42,020 regarding Taiwan over the next year and 1635 01:05:42,020 --> 01:05:44,076 what an invasion of the island would 1636 01:05:44,076 --> 01:05:46,298 mean for the for America and its allies 1637 01:05:48,890 --> 01:05:51,112 ranking member calvert . Thank you . So 1638 01:05:51,112 --> 01:05:53,770 I mentioned up front my comments that 1639 01:05:53,780 --> 01:05:55,891 what the cr does , what the cR yields 1640 01:05:55,891 --> 01:05:57,891 for the nation is a smaller or less 1641 01:05:57,891 --> 01:06:00,660 ready , less capable , less lethal navy . 1642 01:06:00,670 --> 01:06:02,726 We need to be forward to matter . We 1643 01:06:02,726 --> 01:06:04,892 need to be in the way to matter . That 1644 01:06:04,892 --> 01:06:06,837 means we need to be in the western 1645 01:06:06,837 --> 01:06:08,781 pacific and we need to be there in 1646 01:06:08,781 --> 01:06:10,837 numbers and so being able to sustain 1647 01:06:10,837 --> 01:06:12,614 the numbers that the indo pacom 1648 01:06:12,614 --> 01:06:14,837 commander needs in a day to day basis . 1649 01:06:14,837 --> 01:06:17,003 Both Navy and marine forces as well as 1650 01:06:17,003 --> 01:06:18,892 the other services is going to be 1651 01:06:18,892 --> 01:06:21,059 challenged by cuts to our operations , 1652 01:06:21,059 --> 01:06:23,170 operations and maintenance accounts . 1653 01:06:23,170 --> 01:06:25,226 I'd also say that there is some risk 1654 01:06:25,226 --> 01:06:27,059 there . When we talk about . For 1655 01:06:27,059 --> 01:06:29,003 example , one of the chiefs talked 1656 01:06:29,003 --> 01:06:31,059 about uh cuts of flying hours . With 1657 01:06:31,059 --> 01:06:33,226 that usually comes an increase in this 1658 01:06:33,226 --> 01:06:36,180 apparatus . So the less you train , the 1659 01:06:36,190 --> 01:06:38,930 more likely you are to make mistakes . 1660 01:06:38,940 --> 01:06:41,470 And so there's a uh compounding 1661 01:06:41,470 --> 01:06:43,637 problems here that we're gonna have to 1662 01:06:43,637 --> 01:06:45,859 deal with . But I think um you know , I 1663 01:06:45,859 --> 01:06:47,914 also talked about the fact that this 1664 01:06:47,914 --> 01:06:50,026 makes us uh , a less credible prevent 1665 01:06:50,026 --> 01:06:52,570 presents a less credible deterrent to 1666 01:06:52,570 --> 01:06:55,180 any type of opportunistic behavior by 1667 01:06:55,180 --> 01:06:57,236 Russia and china . And it's not just 1668 01:06:57,236 --> 01:06:59,430 china in the south china sea in the 1669 01:06:59,430 --> 01:07:01,940 Taiwan strait , but we just have to 1670 01:07:01,950 --> 01:07:04,270 look east right now to what's going on 1671 01:07:04,270 --> 01:07:07,300 on the Russia , Russia Ukrainian border 1672 01:07:07,580 --> 01:07:10,380 uh , and the potential for for 1673 01:07:10,380 --> 01:07:12,436 significant activity there as well . 1674 01:07:13,280 --> 01:07:15,510 Yeah , I was glad you brought that up . 1675 01:07:15,510 --> 01:07:17,510 Admiral . I I was gonna ask General 1676 01:07:17,510 --> 01:07:19,343 Martin to give the committee his 1677 01:07:19,343 --> 01:07:21,566 assessment on probable Russian activity 1678 01:07:21,566 --> 01:07:23,788 regarding the Ukraine over the next few 1679 01:07:23,788 --> 01:07:26,010 months . And what further invasion into 1680 01:07:26,010 --> 01:07:27,843 the country would mean again for 1681 01:07:27,843 --> 01:07:30,066 America and its allies , especially the 1682 01:07:30,066 --> 01:07:32,288 first ground war since the end of World 1683 01:07:32,288 --> 01:07:32,490 War two .